
Taxpayers Forced To Spend Millions On Gay, Trans Projects Via Ominous Bill

Thanks to Republican support for a newly passed $1.7 trillion omnibus federal spending bill, American taxpayers are funding left-leaning LGBT organizations across the country, including those that promote deviant sex to youth, teach biased “gay history” to kids, and lobby for letting biological boys use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms in schools.

The Washington Stand reported that the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill — backed by 18 GOP senators and signed into law December 30 by President Biden — contains $11 million in LGBT funding, included the following homosexual- and transgender-related earmarks (specific spending requests) by Democrat lawmakers:

  • $1.2 million for “LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers” at San Diego Community College Distric
  • $1 million for Zora’s House in Ohio, a “coworking and community space” for “women and gender-expansive people of color”
  • $3 million for the American LGBT Museum in New York City [see below]
  • $1 million designated for “LGBT special services program as a part of the VAWA grant funding”
  • $250,000 for “Our Lives Matter,” a gay rights law archive in Wisconsin
  • $750,000 for the “TransLatin@ Coalition” to provide “workforce development programs and supportive services for Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex (TGI) immigrant women in Los Angeles” [see below]
  • $105,000 for a mentoring program for LGBT youth in the greater Pittsburgh area
  • $856,000 for an “LGBT Center” in New York [see below]
  • $523,345 for Compass LGBT Youth and Social Services programing
  • $113,520 for an LGBT Center of Greater Reading, Pennsylvania
  • $500,000 to establish a staff position for Special Advisor to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQIA+ persons
  • $1.5 million for an LGBT+ community center new home project in New York
  • $750,000 for “LGBT and Gender Non-Conforming housing” in Albany, New York

As WND reported, the following 18 Republican U.S. Senators voted for the omnibus spending bill loaded with pork-barrel projects, of the LGBT variety and other “woke” agendas:

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Sen. Roy Blount, Missouri; Sen. John Boozman, Arkansas; Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia; Sen. Susan Collins, Maine; Sen. John Cornyn, Texas; Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas; Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina; Sen. Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma; Sen. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky; Sen. Jerry Moran, Kansas; Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska; Sen. Rob Portman, Ohio; Sen. Mitt Romney, Utah; Sen. Mike Rounds, South Dakota; Sen, Richard Shelby, Alabama; Sen. John Thune, South Dakota; Sen. Roger Wicker, Mississippi; and Sen. Todd Young, Indiana.

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Below are descriptions of the agenda of some of these organizations, noting which Congressmen and/or Senators requested the earmark for each appropriation.


$856,000: NYC LGBT Center that lobbies for trans agenda in schools, subjects children to deviant sexual images

Sponsors:  Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. 

The omnibus bill contains $856 million for “facilities and equipment” for The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Center in New York City, an earmark requested by New York’s two strongly pro-LGBT Democrat senators.

The Center has a hefty budget, reporting net assets of nearly $30 in 2021, an increase of more than $5 million from the previous year. In addition to receiving ample government grants, it receives major financial support from corporations like Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, ADP, Jet Blue, Morgan Stanley and Warner Bros. Discovery.

The organization runs programs dealing with help for addictions, such as AA and Drug Addicts Anonymous meetings, but it also advocates for a pro-trans, leftist political agenda, working hand-in-hand with Democrat-oriented LGBT lobby groups like Equality New York.

In what it calls the “People’s Platform,” the LGBT Center lists as part of its vision: “Equity and Inclusion for Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Nonbinary (TGNCNB) People.” That includes advocating for a “nondiscrimination” bill in the New York State Senate, SB 369, which, in the name of providing “equity,” would force New York school teachers and administrators to:

  • Use whatever pronouns the TGNCNB student desires, e.g., a “gender-fluid”-identifying, biologically male boy demanding to be referred to as “she/her” or “them”;
  • Allow “gender non-conforming” students full access to opposite-sex school restrooms, locker rooms and “overnight accommodations,” based on their “gender identity or expression” rather than their biological sex;
  • Allow TGNCNB students to play on opposite sex sports teams.

A similar Center-backed bill, S6677A, the “Gender Identity Respect, Dignity and Safety Act, would require trans “equity” policies in state prisons, thus allowing “trans women” (biological men, many of whom remain sexually attracted to females) to be housed in actual women’s facilities.

Like most LGBT activist groups, the LGBT Center allies with pro-abortion organizations. It boasts that it supported a law that “brought state abortion laws up-to-date with Roe v. Wade,” after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the notorious ruling legalizing abortion.

Deviant ‘art’ in LGBT Center corrupts youth

The Center touts its programs serving youth, but like many gay/trans organizations and events—such as sexually-charged LGBT “Pride” parades across the world, which are attended by many young children—it subjects them to the excesses and immorality of a lifestyle centered on aberrant sexual “liberation.”

The LGBT Center’s partially pornographic “art” collection, displayed throughout the building, is a case in point. Among the works widely touted by New York City’s art enthusiasts is a mural painted by homosexual artist Keith Haring on the walls of what once second-floor bathroom (it is now a meeting room). Haring’s wall art consists of dozens of cartoonish, squiggly line drawings mainly of male phalluses, in various acts of faceless “sodomy” and stimulation.

The mural, which Haring called “One Upon a Time,” depicts “the pre-1981 days of freewheeling [gay] sex,” prior to the AIDS crisis, according to a sympathetic review by Alexander McQuilkin on the “untapped cities” website. Ironically, within months of completing the orgiastic bathroom drawing, Haring, just 31 years old, himself died of AIDS, a casualty of the “freewheeling sex” he had evidently practiced and celebrated.


$3,000,000 – LGBTQ+ History Museum, New York City

Sponsors: Rep. Jarod Nadler, D-N.Y., Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

The largest LGBT earmark in the omnibus bill is a $3 million HUD “Community Development Grant” to a new LGBT museum slated for construction in New York City. The funding request was made by Rep. Jarod Nadler (D-NY) and the state’s two Democrat senators, Schumer and Gillibrand.

The LGBT Museum, a joint project with the New York Historical Society, will open in 2026. It gives its mission as follows:

“The American LGBTQ+ Museum preserves, investigates, and celebrates the dynamic histories and cultures of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people, as well as those of the emergent and adjacent identities among our communities. Using exhibitions and programs, we seek to advance LGBTQ+ equality through the lens of social justice movements, including, but not limited to, race, gender, class, immigration, and disability…”We envision a world in which all people work toward and experience the joy of liberation.”

In reality, the museum’s operation is sure to be deeply political (a leftist interpretation of “social justice”) as the gay and transgender movements are based on a negation of Judeo-Christian morality. Those who have followed “LGBT history” have noticed a tendency to pad the ranks of alleged gay and trans “heroes” by including icons like Abraham Lincoln, Cary Grant, George Washington, Louisa May Alcott, and Joan of Arc as possibly “LGBT” with the scantest and sometimes preposterous “evidence.” Perhaps the pull of gay and transgender “pride” is too great to resist for LGBT scholars so deeply and personally invested in sexual and gender identity politics.

Some “gay” historical claims are particularly egregious: for example, LGBT advocates and academics have cast doubt on the heterosexuality of Abe Lincoln (who cherished the Bible) because, as a poor, young lawyer, he shared a bed with his best friend and roommate, Joshua Speed. This “proof” claim has been dismissed as spurious by mainstream Lincoln biographers like Charles Strozier.

Conversely, inconvenient, real “gay history,” such as putting an “LGBTQ” label on a Netflix series about homosexual predator-cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, is altered because it does not fit the preferred narrative of homosexuals as oppressed societal victims.

The LGBTQ Museum’s “woke” agenda is personified by its newly named director, Ben Garcia (“he/him”), who “identifies as Latine, a gender-neutral term,” according to the New York Times. This term has been offered by trans activists as a substitute for another, more widely used “progressive” label, “Latinx,” which has been widely rejected as a replacement for the traditional “Latino/Latina” in identifying Hispanics. In fact, “Latinx” is so unpopular—only two percent of Hispanics described themselves that way in a 2021 poll—that the liberal Miami Herald urged Democrats and progressives to stop using it because it is driving Hispanic Democrats to the Republican Party.

According to its website, the LGBTQ Museum is aggressively planning to work with students to teach its version of “gay” and “trans” history, endeavoring to “create programs that are core to our mission and commitment to share LGBTQ+ history with younger generations.”

The museum’s education mission statement lists several ways it will seek to partner with schools to reach children, including:

  • Targeting the “4.5 million PreK–12 school children in the New York City metro area, of which 1.1 million students are in New York City public schools,” as well as the 40,000 to 100,000 students in area public schools that it estimates identify as LGBT;
  • Targeting “four states that have mandated LGBTQ+ inclusive curricula in recent years (NJ, CA, IL, and CO). New York and Maryland are currently debating the topic, and it is expected that more states will follow.”
  • Working with “Gay-Straight Alliances” in schools (essentially LGBT activist student clubs);
  • Creating “curriculum-linked programs and tours” for schools and “children’s exhibits”
  • Creating pro-LGBT “teacher training and professional development” courses.

The “history” offered to impressionable young students will surely be heavily biased toward LGBT activists and ideology, just as most “mainstream” media reporting on gay and trans issues today is overwhelmingly tilted in favor of LGBT activists, leaving out the pro-family, traditionalist viewpoint.


$750,000 – TransLatin@ Coalition

Sponsor: Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif.

In December, Fox News reported on the omnibus spending bill’s $750,000 provision to a little-known Los Angeles-based LGBT group called the TransLatin@ Coalition, courtesy of an earmark by Rep. Gomez. In response, the organization put out a vitriolic statement accusing the conservative network of “perpetrat[ing] violence” against people:

“The direct attacks from Fox News against our organization’s work is just part of their ongoing campaign against the existence of TGI [Transgender, Gender-nonconforming/nonbinary, Intersex] people….These efforts of attacking TGI people by Fox News are dangerous and perpetrate violence towards TGI and LGBT people. These violent actions are what get our community killed. The way they perpetrate violence inspires right-wing extremists to think that they can harm us and kill us because of the messages they receive….”

Fox News had reported on TransLatin@’s goal of teaching very young children in schools to accept transgenderism:

The group also wants transgender-specific “history and discourse” to be mandated at the state level for elementary and middle school students. The group argues that while the FAIR Education Act in California mandated the inclusion of LGBTQ people in school curricula, it often leaves out TGI communities.

“Implementation of the policy began in 2017, and although there is acknowledgement [sic] of two-spirit people history and other Transgender leaders, the majority of curriculum is focused on the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual community,” the agenda states. “Transgender history and discourse must begin in schools and primary education to promote respect and acceptance from early ages.”

According to the report, in addition to its trans advocacy, TransLatin@ Coalition’s online “TransPolicyAgenda” states that the “the group wants to end all construction of detention centers, shut down existing jails and prisons, and decriminalize what it describes as ‘survival crimes,’ like loitering, sleeping outside, panhandling and sex work [prostitution].”

“In an ideal world, we’d begin by abolishing the police force as it currently exists, however this is not a realistic outcome through policy,” the group’s agenda states, Fox reported. “We approach criminal justice work with an internal abolitionist lens, intending to critique, dismantle and rebuild our criminal justice system with community members in and out of jail and prison.”

A telling Twitter exchange between Rep. Gomez and TransLatin@ president Bamby Salcedo illustrates the chasm between leftist, mostly Democrat, LGBT advocates and their conservative, mostly Republican critics—a gap perhaps matched by the gargantuan advantage that LGBT activists have over social conservatives in their access to government funding.

After Gomez assailed “Fox News and MAGA [“Make America Great Again”] bigots” for “targeting” the trans group because it “serves the LGBTQ+ community,” Salcedo responded to him: “You are a person who sees our humanity. @FoxNews are using #TGIPeople as a weapon to perpetrate violence against our community. #WeWillNotBeErased.”

The Washington Stand reports that in addition to the specific LGBT-activist earmarks above, the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill signed by President Biden contains “other earmarks include millions of dollars in highly controversial “diversity, equity, and inclusion” special interest projects.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: The “Climate Change Cult.” The “Anti-Racism Cult.” The “Cult of Wokeness.” The “LGBTQ Cult” and its predatory offspring targeting America’s children, the “Transgender Cult.” The “Cult of Abortion.” The “COVID Cult.” The “Cult of Globalism.” “TikTok Cults.” Every month the list grows.

To right-thinking Americans attempting to make sense of a nation seemingly gone mad, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the irrational, deranged – and often demonic – leftwing political and cultural movements currently capturing the minds of millions of Americans are nothing short of full-fledged cults.

Although the high priesthood of all these leftwing religious cults – i.e., university professors, academics and other Marxist ideologues and activists – may be true believers, the people actually wielding REAL POWER do not believe any of it. To them, these leftwing cults conveniently serve to disguise and distract “the rabble” from what the leader class is REALLY up to, which is the pursuit of ever more power, wealth and glory for themselves, and a total transformation of America and the world.

All of this and much more is explored in a powerful, insightful and absolutely unique way in the latest issue of WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled “HOLY WAR: Defeating the growing cult of leftism and its total war on Christianity.”

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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