
Tacoma ICE Detention Center Attacked by Antifa Member

Saturday night, Willem Van Spronsen, a known Antifa member, attacked a Tacoma ICE Detention Center in Western Washington with “incendiary devices” and a rifle. He was fatally shot by police.

tacoma ice
Screenshots, via King5 video

The Tacoma ICE Detention center holds migrants that are waiting for deportation. The “Northwest Detention Center” is privately owned and is the largest ICE facility in Western Washington. Police responded to reported of a man throwing lit objects at cars and buildings at around 4:00 a.m. on Saturday. A “peaceful protest” occurred the night before at the Tacoma ICE center from the socialist group we previously reported.

“It was reported the male was throwing incendiary devices at the Detention Center and then at vehicles in the parking lot. A vehicle was set on fire. The male attempted to ignite a large propane tank and set out buildings on fire. The male continued throwing lit objects at the buildings and cars… Officers noted that in addition to the weapon, he was wearing a satchel and had flares on his person.” Tacoma Police statement via ABC

Domestic terrorist

Friends of Willem Van Spronsen, 69, stated that he likely planned to die as a martyr for “the cause” in a suicide by cop scenario. Last year, he was arrested for assaulting a police officer, and he has a record of domestic violence. He lived on Vashon Island in Washington. Police searched his home for evidence. Naturally, his domestic terrorist Antifa friends are calling him a “martyr.”

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“He was ready to end it. I think this was a suicide. But then he was able to kind of do it in a way that spoke to his political beliefs . I know he went down there knowing he was going to die.” Deb Bartley, Spronsen’s friend of 20 years

The four officers involved in the shooting are on paid administrative leave as the situation is investigated. According to the Tacoma PD, all four officers fired their weapons, but it is unclear if the suspect fired his at this point.

“Concentration camps”

The current narrative about “concentration camps” and migrants being mistreated is bogus. But it does set up situations like this from groups like Antifa whose sole purpose is tearing apart the country. Antifa is a communist organization with an agenda – it has no real compassion for any migrant of any kind. As far as the Northwest Detention Center goes, yes it’s set up like a prison. The migrants are being held for deportation.

ABC reported:

GEO Group, which runs the 1,575-bed Northwest Detention Center, in an email to The Associated Press said baseless accusations about how detainees are treated at its facilities “have led to misplaced aggression and a dangerous environment for our employees, whose safety is our top priority. Violence of any kind against our employees and property will not be tolerated. We are thankful for the quick and brave action by the Tacoma Police Department, which prevented innocent lives from being endangered.”

GEO Group said the detention center in Tacoma has modern amenities with air conditioning, recreational activities, a bed for every individual and medical care available at all hours.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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