
Startling campaign condemns Jewish presence in popular California city

AKIN to the metastatic spread of cancer, that is, if left untreated, anti-semitism — the most incurable disease from time immemorial — must never be left to fester. Ever. Deadly.

BUT before this analysis proceeds, it is imperative to place the onus atop several addresses that are often overlooked — aside from the usual suspects, namely (but not exclusively), the U.N.; officialdom in Europe; the propaganda media; their academic counterparts; assorted cultural apparatchiks, with high-level officials in America acting as a shield and cover.

ONE such bloody address comprises the virulent, rabid left in Israel; America’s evil twin. In tandem, the Jewish establishment in America (other than an outlier, both pro-America and pro-Israel, that is, the Zionist Organization of America, the ZOA) pours fuel on the fire — despicably, attempting to curry favor with Jew-haters, leftist and Islamists, in the vain belief they will be spared from the deadly poison. To fully internalize this dangerous fusion and its knock-on effects,

THAT being established, it is not for nothing that all across America Jews have become highly endangered, most especially, on college campuses and far beyond its confines.

IN this regard, is anyone at all shocked….shocked….that the below jihadi/leftist driven cancer has permeated each and every corner and fabric of America!?

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San Diego (Courtesy SanDiego.gov)

WND | December 27, 2023

‘From the freeway to the sea, all La Jolla must be free’

Using a slogan that is a knock-off of terror group Hamas’ “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free,” which calls for the elimination of Israel and Jews there, a campaign has been launched in an alternative publication in San Diego demanding that same “freedom” there.

The Hamas slogan references the territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes Israel.

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