
Stacking the Court – Obama nominates Muslim for Federal Judge

Obama has nominated the first Muslim ever to be a Federal Judge… or so says the headline. He is attempting to stack the court before he leaves office. So far, the Republicans have refused to confirm his nominations.


Abid Qureshi, nominated to the U.S. District Court in D.C.

News media are saying this is the very first time in US history that a Muslim has been nominated to a position as Federal Judge. His nomination is not likely to go through at this time.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The Daily Mail reported,

Obama put forward attorney Abid Riaz Qureshi of Maryland for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. 

But there is a chance he will not be voted into the position, as Senate Republicans have continuously blocked the president’s judicial picks.

Obama has four months left in office, but Hillary Clinton could pick Qureshi for the same seat if she wins the election in November.

Qureshi is an attorney with Latham & Watkins LLP in Maryland. He is a graduate of both Cornell and Harvard. Muslim advocacy groups applauded the nomination. Of course they did.

Abid Qureshi

There is actually another Muslim nominated for a federal appeals court:

Abdul Karim Kallon, nominated to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals

Abdul Kallon, from Sierra Leone, was confirmed to the  United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama in January of 2010, even though his name was NOT on a list of prospects provided by the Alabama Democrats.

In February of this year, Obama nominated him for the 11th Circuit Court of appeals. His appointment is up in the air at this juncture. That may be for good reason.

The Legal Schnauzer (liberal Democrats, by the way) reported,

“Even 11th Circuit, to which he now is nominated, admitted that Abdul Kallon butchered a simple issue that robbed my wife of full property rights to our home…

…even the Eleventh Circuit found that Kallon got it wrong, that he had to hear Carol’s claims. And we are supposed to think Kallon is qualified to join the Eleventh Circuit, after that court found he butchered the simplest of legal concepts?

What does it say about Kallon when he got such an issue wrong? To me, it says he is corrupt and followed someone’s “ex parte” instructions to make sure the issues in our case never got a hearing.

Similar corruption probably was present with the Eleventh Circuit.”

Abdul Kallon

Sharia, Sharia, Sharia, Sharia… SHARIA

There is one problem and one problem only with these nominations: Sharia.

Muslims are bound by their own system of jurisprudence to advocate Sharia.

“The Koran, as understood with the Koranic concept of abrogation, and the Sunnah form the “Sharia” or the way for all Muslims to follow. This is a totalitarian legal system and cannot be altered or amended because it comes from Allah and was exemplified by the actions and words of Mohammad.” UTT

The likely reason Mr. Kallon failed to provide a woman with property rights in the case listed above is because under Sharia, she is not allowed to have them.

And what about this latest one? Is Mr. Qureshi a practicing Muslim? What would be his first thought in any case involving the United States Constitution…sharia or the Bill of Rights? This is the problem with any Muslim on the bench of any court. They can be fully qualified by education, but disqualified by adherence to a totalitarian legal system.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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