Stacey Dash – another conservative MIA from FNC, rips #BLM
Move over, Andrea Tantaros. It looks as if you aren’t the only on-air personality that the Fox News Channel (FNC) has given the cold shoulder.
In the wake of viewer favorite Tantaros being sent to the corporate time-out corner after the FNC honchos stated that they’ve determined she “take some time off,” fans of the news channel are also noticing that yet another outspoken, attractive, and openly conservative contributor/analyst has also been missing in action from the network’s Outnumbered schedule as of late. As reported by Elizabeth Gail of the new media news portal on May 13, 2016, Stacey Dash may be persona non grata at FNC, but she still manages irk liberals aplenty, especially liberals of her own race.
Dash, who has been known to sometimes be more than willing to get in-your-face with her brand of conservatism, seems to have upset the the members and supporters of the openly violent Black Lives Matter (BLM) group. One of the leaders of the group, Aaron Goggans, recently went public with the claim that black-on-black crime is “a myth.” The catalyst for Goggans’ blatantly incorrect statement was NFL star Ray Lewis placing the blame of many blacks meeting a violent demise on fellow blacks.
Despite the Inquisirt’s Gail’s publishing that BLM “campaigns against violence against black people, mostly targeting violence perpetrated by law enforcement, and generally also fights against racial profiling, and inequality in the United States,” the facts are not on her nor BLM’s side. Citing numerous links to both the Department of Justice and the FBI (both headed up by appointees of Barack Obama), Amy Sherman of, and Pete Papaherakles have verified that not only is the total percentage of black murdered by other blacks typically over the 90 percent mark, but since the late 1970s inter-community crime among blacks has resulted in over 324,000 dead blacks.
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For her part, Dash went on the offensive, hammering away at BLM’s Goggans. “Lewis’s assessment is completely proven right with how quickly Goggans ignored the reality of what is actually happening in the Black community,” she stated. “He [Goggans] believes people like Lewis are spending too much time worrying about ‘intercommunity crime,’ as he put it, instead of focusing on ‘state-sanctioned violence.” Far from done, Dash continued with, “Black Lives Matter is really a racist [movement] by definition — providing a value based on the color of someone’s skin is Racist…. PERIOD!”
Dash was considered a definite up-and-comer at the FNC until emotion got the best of her one day while pinch hitting on the network’s panel show Outnumbered. Commenting on a rather tepid televised speech to the nation from the Oval Office regarding the world-wide terrorist threat posed by the Islamic jihadists of the ISIS oraganization, Dash blasted Obama for seemingly wanting to get the speech said and done so he could don his tux and attend the gala event later that evening at DC’s Kennedy Center.
Holding little back, the Bronx spitfire added her thoughts to a comment just made by her friend, Andrea Tantaros, “It was like when you have to go to a dinner with your parents but you have a party to go to afterwards, that’s what it felt like. He was just trying to get through it because he wanted to go to this event afterwards, you know, I did not feel better, I didn’t feel any passion from him like you said Andrea, I felt like he could give a s**t. Excuse me.”