Stacey Dash: My agents dropped me because of my political beliefs — Video

While appearing on Fox News’ “O’Reilly Factor,” conservative actress Stacey Dash revealed what happened when she “came out” as a conservative.
According to Dash, her agents dropped her, and she hasn’t had an audition in a year. Moreover, she said that her friends and family stopped talking to her.
All because she’s a (gasp) conservative.
Here’s her interview with O’Reilly:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
She also told O’Reilly that she is going to be on the advisory board of “Women for Trump.” The reason? According to Dash, she wants to help “make America great again,” borrowing Trump’s campaign line, and she believes the real estate mogul is the man to make it happen.
Recently, T.K. Whiteman wrote, she irked liberals with her criticism of the DNC-approved Black Lives Matter group.
In 2015, she got suspended for two weeks after saying that Obama “doesn’t give a s**t.” She corrected herself, but the damage was done.
Liberal hatemongers lashed out at Dash when she dared join Fox News back in 2014:
“Stacey is an engaging conversationalist whose distinctive viewpoints among her Hollywood peers have spawned national debates – we’re pleased to have her join Fox News,” said Bill Shine, a network news vice president.
While Shine was happy to see her come on board, many on Twitter were unhappy and unleashed a torrent of hate with profanity-laced tweets, some of which included racial slurs.
“So, Stacey Dash is now with Fox News to offer cultural analysis? the jokes write themselves (sic),” said one of the few tweets fit to quote.
“Stacey Dash. New contributor on Fox News. Somebody please help her get her life,” another person added.
The joke writes itself… RT @THR 'Clueless' Actress Stacey Dash Joins Fox News
— Scott Feinberg (@ScottFeinberg) May 29, 2014
Liberal hatemongers on Twitter also issued racist, hate-filled death threats back in 2012 after saying she was proud of the “good fight” put up by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
@REALStaceyDash shld go kill herself and take @realDonaldTrump to hell with her. a bunch of attention seekers saying nothing of value.
— Idontremember (@iloveme1779) November 7, 2012
Wonderful people, these liberals…
- Stacey Dash – another conservative MIA from FNC, rips #BLM
- Video: Stacey Dash is Suspended For 2 Weeks For This…
- Fox News’ Dash suspended over Obama slam and slip
- Liberal hatemongers on Twitter attack Stacey Dash for joining Fox News
- Liberals on Twitter issue racist, hate-filled death wishes to Stacey Dash
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