
Springfield Resident Confused Bassoon For Gun

Screenshot via Springfield Sun-Times

Springfield, Ohio – Ok, this manipulation of the public by news media and anti-gunners needs to stop right now. It’s firmly gone out of control. A Springfield resident called 911 on April 5 because they thought a neighbor had a gun. It was a bassoon …a musical instrument…you know, one that makes sounds other than “pew pew pew.”

Eric Barga teaches bassoon at his old high school, Kenton Ridge High School. After he completed his teaching for the day, he drove to Covenant Presbyterian Church in preparation for bell choir practice. But he was about a half hour early, as practice usually started at 6:30 p.m..

So, he sat on the hood of his car and just started playing scales. You know, the “doe ray me” kind of thing, also definitely not “pew pew pew.”

But someone called 911 and told officers there was a white male with a rifle sitting on his trunk in front of the church.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Cue the police response.

Fortunately, the dispatcher put a caveat at the end of the call that read “Unknown if for sure” it was a gun.

The Springfield Sun-Times reported,

“Dispatched at a few seconds before 6:09 p.m., two units arrived on the scene just before 6:12 p.m., one with Officers Tim Melvin and Sgt. Bill Sanders, a second with shift supervisor, Sgt. Bill Evans.

“They didn’t immediately approach me,” Barga said. “I saw a police car, it’s a big police van, roll up really slowly” in a parking lot between the west side of the church and the east side of a former fitness center and previous Habitat for Humanity ReStore. “I wasn’t concerned that I was doing anything wrong.”

But moments later, as that van pulled into the covenant lot from in front of him, another unit he hadn’t noticed pulled up behind him…

…As they approached Barga, the officers were using such a tactical approach, and, though the intent may not have been hard core, Barga remembers the feeling of the moment.

“At this point, I realize they’re confronting me,” he said. “I put on a little dopey smile and said, ‘Did somebody call the cops on me?’”

Although he felt slightly tense, “I didn’t really feel threatened,” he said, adding, “I don’t get nervous. Years of music school (performance) beats that out of you.”

…The officers “were all giggling” by the time they came to a stop, Barga said. One even asked him the classic question: “Is that a bassoon or an oboe?”

No, the bassoon wasn’t an oboe, or even a bazooka. And bazookas go “boom.” A rifle? That’s a stretch unless a person has a serious eye disease. And if that were the case, sound should have told them it was a musical instrument.

But then, we live in the age of stupid and liberal fear mongering. The Springfield Police would like citizens to try and get an accurate picture of what they’re really seeing before they report something like a man with a gun. It could save a life.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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