

"Operation Swords of Iron."

First things first.

“Tzedek, tzedek, tirdof…Justice, justice, shall you pursue.”
צדק צדק תרדוף – Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9)

“He who becomes compassionate to the cruel will ultimately become cruel to the compassionate.” – Midrash Rabba, Ecclesiastes 7:16

Some of the readers may be aware that this investigative journalist lives in Israel. As an American-Israeli, this bird’s eye view lends a unique perspective, that is, sans any pussyfooting around. Full-stop.

In this regard, interested parties are advised to glean reliable updates from Israel National News (Full Disclosure: Since 2005, I have written for this widely-read and highly-respected national and international news publication.)

Live updates – Israel at war: At least 250 killed, dozens kidnapped, over 1,500 injured

Live updates – Israel at war: At least 600 killed, dozens kidnapped, over 2000 injured

Now, in order to really understand what’s what at this most grave juncture in time, it is imperative to link-back (we will get to that….keep reading) to particular interviews and analyses – that which serve as deep backgrounders as to how/why Israel hasn’t attained absolute VICTORY, since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Mind you, as per this latest battle, even The New York Times (hardly a font of pro-Israel sentiment) made the connection between the latest [emphasis placed] onslaught and the massive, sneak attack on Israel in 1973. Even so, their analysis will never, ever place the onus straight where it belongs: atop the shoulders of ‘Allah’s Muslim Terrorists’; having imbibed (akin to mother’s milk) the murderous dictates within the Koran, Islam’s ‘holy‘ book!

Consider the (excerpted) facts at hand, as explained in the introduction to BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad, August 2016:

“In ‘polite’ society it is verboten to dissect the underpinnings of the Koran which are derived from the teachings of Muhammad. Inarguably, he was a pedophile, rapist, pilferer, sadist and a clinical psychopath…..

The fundamental problem of Islam is the belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him. Muslims are indoctrinated into believing the Koran is God’s word, and so they act on numerous incitements to violence that they find in it……”

Ominously, their first murderous targets are the “Saturday People”, followed up by the “Sunday People.”

As stated, the following interviews and analyses are must reads – then, and only then, will this Sukkot/Simchat Torah massive Islamic jihadi onslaught veer into sharp focus.


Indeed, the above backgrounders are not for the feint of heart, but they are mandatory for truth-telling. Of course, most will require breaks to catch one’s breath between readings. Sorry about that.

Which brings us back full circle to the latest so-called war; as PM Netanyahu huffed and puffed out his chest. Yes, you read that right.

PM Netanyahu: We will win this war, but we will pay a very heavy price’: Hamas wants to murder us all, we will win this war,’ PM Netanyahu tells Israel’s citizens.

Alas, why aren’t his words reassuring? Could it be that we have heard said ‘war-cries‘ from his lips (and others) for the umpteenth time? Does ‘crying wolf‘ resonate?

Incontestably, if one takes a serious, deliberate, and sober look-back to countless wars waged upon Israel (as mentioned, since 1973), the facts remain the same.

  • Israel’s top-tier political echelon (be they right wing or left wing…it makes no diff) never calls for VICTORY as a goal, rather, offers insipid platitudes. Why is that??
  • As a matter of historical record, each go-around (generally, every 2 years, or so) they devise a catchy name for the latest ‘operation.’ This one is coined: “Operation Swords of Iron!” So, PM Netanyahu could declare that ‘this is war‘ until the cows come home, but the jihadis know better. It is merely another ‘operation‘, that is, among a laundry list of countless others! Btw, while Israel’s delusional leaders can’t internalize that lexicon matters, well, Islam’s warriors realize that they will remain standing. Guaranteed.
  • For proof of the same, take a peek into the last go-around, May 2021, “Operation Guardian of the Walls” – EMERGENCY APPEAL FROM LOD’S JEWISH CITIZENS: The Current Kristalnacht; A Pogrom/Farhood By Israeli Arabs Against Jews….As Hamas/PIJ Shoot Missiles/Rockets Into Civilian Areas – Terrorism At Its Core!
  • Without a scintilla of a doubt, Israeli forces are equipped with enough massive firepower to put an end to the madness – yes, burying Hamas (and all of its appendages, regardless of this or that hydra’s name) in toto, never to rear its murderous tentacles again.

So, in encapsulated form (a full-throated, deep dive would necessitate writing another book) to the aforementioned query: “Why is VICTORY not the stated objective?“, the following answer to the interviewer’s related question (May 16, 2015, eight and a half years ago) is most germane. Imagine that. “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.“ The more things change, the more they stay the same.

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s “kosher” stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be “more Catholic than the Pope”, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his “reasoning” doesn’t count for a damn) to the “rights” of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable.


Conclusively, whereas Israel’s troops can be counted on to fight valiantly, it is also a fact that no matter how many Jews are killed and terrorized, Hamas and its offshoots will live to re-group, re-arm, and, unfathomably, come out even stronger, more lethal, and will call the shots for the next round! Rest assured, the leadership will never admit that their decades-long, failed doctrine, namely, “mowing the lawn“, “proportionality” and so-called “containment“, has zero place within a normal and rational political-military lexicon.

Most significantly, ask yourselves: since insanity knows no bounds, how can it be that Islam’s barbarians were open about their war-footing, practically, advertising their jihad, still, Israel’s vaunted Intel Agencies (and the DM, no less) missed all of the cues?

A military analyst displays a video published by Hamas that shows practicing for the current invasion of Israel weeks before it happened.

Ominously, what will it take to convince the leaders (held mentally captive to The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege) to, finally, enact a volte face!?

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