
South Carolina – Amtrak Train Collides with CSX Train

Photo via Lexington County Sheriff’s Department

An Amtrak train carrying 139 passengers collided with a CSX freight train in Lexington County, South Carolina at around 2:45 a.m. on Sunday morning. Two people were confirmed dead and approximately 70 were injured. EMS reportedly transported over 50 people to hospitals in the area. All passengers were removed from the train.

“The injuries range from cuts and bruises to severe broken bones. All the injured have been transported to local hospitals.”  Derrec Becker, South Carolina Emergency Management Division public information officer

Update: The two people killed on the Amtrak train were Amtrak employees.

Amtrak train 91 had left Penn Station in New York en route to Miami, when it collided with a CSX freight train, and subsequently some of the cars derailed. Uninjured  passengers were taken to a Middle School in the area to warm up. The Red Cross was assisting the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department with the process.

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“We know they are shaken up quite a bit. We know this is like nothing else they have ever been through. So we wanted to get them out of the cold, get them out of the weather – get them to a warm place.” Adam Myrick, Lexington County Sheriff’s Department

The cause of the crash is unknown, and is under investigation.

BREAKING: 2 dead, 50 injured in Amtrak derailment in South Carolina. Train was traveling from NYC to Miami. We will update throughout the morning @ABC7NY

Another Amtrak disaster: Two confirmed dead, 70+ injured in Amtrak derailment near Columbia, South Carolina. 5,000 gallons of fuel spilled. https://t.co/GqqmD2Uf0L

#BREAKING: 2 killed, 50+ injured in #Amtrak derailment in #SouthCarolina. Train had left #PennStation bound for Miami @CBSNewYork

NEW video just in after deadly #Amtrak derailment in South Carolina. At least 2 dead, 70 others injured. More as we get it on the EyeOpener. #WCVB https://t.co/rgeHOH0ZZQ pic.twitter.com/fWiGfDkIdd

Injuries from #Amtrak derailment include small scratches, to severe broken bones. Derailment happened near Charleston Highway & Pine Ridge Drive between a freight train and passenger train @wachfox about 70 passengers sent to the hospital.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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