Soros Group Planning Huge Contributions to Black Lives Matter This Week
The Democracy Alliance, founded by George Soros and the heir of Taco Bell (A Mexican phone company?) Rob McKay and a handful of others, was established in 2005. Each member of the group is required to donate at least $200,000 to approved groups such as Media Matters, Center for American Progress and Catilist, which is under investigation for illegal campaign activities for the Democratic party. Since 2005, the Democracy Alliance has contributed 500 million to liberal causes.
The Democracy Alliance is meeting this week and part of that time will be spent deciding how much money to give to Black Lives Matter and associated groups. Not all financiers will be there in person but two notable members, Tom Steyer, who has spent nearly 100 million over the last two election cycles to candidates who fight global warming. Ironically, the money he contributes is from the billions he made in oil pipelines. Also expected to attend is Paul Egerman, who is the vice chair of the Democracy Alliance.
The Alliance has been urging members to increase their donations to Black Lives Matter. Some donors are a little hesitant about donating money based on BLM protests against old,white democratic politicians. Nonetheless, BLM seems to be in line for some major contributions from liberals and you could see BLM back off against democrats and to fully focus on republicans as part of the deal.
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Steve Phillips, a Democracy Alliance member and a major donor to liberal politicians and causes, such as his funding with Soros on the Ferguson riots said:
“The progressive donor world should be adding zeroes to their contributions that support this transformative movement.”
He does however warn that:
“Tactics such as shutting down freeways and disrupting rallies can alienate major donors, and if that’s your primary source of support, then you’re at risk of being blocked from doing what you need to do.”
DA President Gara LaMarche stated:
“Movements that are challenging the status quo and that do so to some extent by using direct action or disruptive tactics are meant to make people uncomfortable, so I’m sure we have partners who would be made uncomfortable by it or think that that’s not a good tactic. But we have a wide range of human beings and different temperaments and approaches in the DA, so it’s quite possible that there are people who are a little concerned, as well as people who are curious or are supportive. This is a chance for them to meet some of the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement, and understand the movement better, and then we’ll take stock of that and see where it might lead.”
There is a dinner before the Democracy Alliances’ annual meeting takes place and their honored guests will include leaders of the various Black Lives Matters allies.
Warning Black Lives Matter: beware of white liberals bearing gifts.