
Shifty Schiff: Ginni Thomas Should Be Subpoenaed Because Husband Crossed A Line; Promises To Link Trump To Proud Boys ‘This Fall’ (Video)

While appearing on Sunday’s edition of CBS’ “Face the Nation,” shifty lying Comrade Adam Schiff, the “bug-eyed barrister of Burbank” well known for his never-ending lies regarding former President Donald Trump, told Margaret Brennan that Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, might be subpoenaed to appear before his sham January 6 “committee.”

The reason?  Because the Justice dissented on the Supreme Court rejection of Trump’s attempt to block the release of records to the committee.

Here’s a partial transcript as posted by Breitbart:

MARGARET BRENNAN: Your colleague Liz Cheney was on two other networks this morning, and she said that you all are discussing a potential subpoena for Ginni Thomas, who is married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Are there lines that shouldn’t be crossed here when it comes to the Supreme Court? Because one of the objections to the premise of a subpoena here is that it- it sets a dangerous precedent by putting the spouse of a justice in this political forum.

REP. SCHIFF: There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed, but those lines involve sitting Supreme Court justices, not presiding or appearing or taking action in cases in which their spouse may be implicated. And in this case, for Clarence Thomas to issue a decision, in a case, a dissent in a case where Congress is trying to get documents, and those documents might involve his own wife, that’s the line that’s been crossed. And I think, for Congress to be looking into these issues, looking into conflict of interest issues. But here, looking into issues, whether it involves the wife of a Supreme Court justice or anyone else, if they have information or role in an effort to overturn an election. Yes, they’re not excluded from examination.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It sounds like you’re saying you favor that subpoena?

REP. SCHIFF: Well, if she has relevant information or investigation, we hope she comes in voluntarily. But if she doesn’t, then we should give that a serious consideration. And, yes, I think those that we decided have important enough information should be subpoenaed.

He also indicated that the Soviet-style show-trial would attempt to link the former president to the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers this fall — just in time for the midterm elections:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Indeed… He lied then, and he continues to lie, because that’s all Shifty Schiff is capable of doing.

Heh. Isn’t that the truth?

Bingo. They tried to take Trump out in a seditious coup for four years. Now, two years into the Biden Regime, they’re STILL trying.

Yes, right before the midterms, when Democrats are set to get shellacked. Curious, isn’t it?

Schiff hasn’t been believable for a long time…  Remember when he tried to get naked photos of Trump?  And when he was pranked by Russians?  And let’s not forget Shifty Schiff’s role in Stephen Colbert’s attempted insurrection, an act far worse than anything in the history of mankind…

If anyone needs to be subpoenaed, it’s Adam Schiff.  Hopefully, Republicans will give the bug-eyed leftist a taste of his own medicine once they retake the House.

This is just part of the left’s deliberate effort to foment bloodshed and possible civil war.  They have nothing else to run on, since their policies would have to improve to suck.  Expect this to get much worse before the elections.


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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