
Sharia Proponent Linda Sarsour Endorses Traitor Chelsea Manning for Senate: Perfect Match?

Linda Sarsour
Linda Sarsour (YouTube)

The Washington Times reported that Sharia proponent, anti-Israel, Muslim/Feminist Activist Linda Sarsour has endorsed traitor Chelsea Manning in the race for Maryland Senate. And the Twitter Universe is having a field day.

fuck the police ????????????‍♀️???? #DisarmThePolice ???????????? #WeGotThis #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay pic.twitter.com/Ugo0XbkEVW

So, for starters, Arpaio was convicted for doing his job. Manning was convicted for giving away classified documents under the Espionage Act.  Sarsour knows full well that under Sharia, Manning would be pitched off the roof of a building or stoned to death or both.

But then, we are fully aware that Linda Sarsour doesn’t support the government and neither does Manning. She also hates police. She also hates Trump and the US Government. It may be the perfect match for traitors, terrorists, and fools.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Truly a divinely matched couple! Both traitors, both supporting foreign powers.

You’re basically calling yourself a hypocrite b/c you support Manning but not Arpaio. pic.twitter.com/V4IovOk0in

So, um, she’s admitting she’s a hypocrite because she also supports one but not the other? https://t.co/OGnilc4L1I

Hey @lsarsour. As shariah law proponent, what would be Bredley Manning destiny in shariah law ruling country. Is supporting a trans-man make you a #HYPOCRITE?

Bradley Manning can’t even trust his own gender. Why should I trust him??? #Democrats #Legend

Do your leaders and mentors know you’re supporting Chelsea Manning?

Tell us Linda sweetie, how high a building Mr. Manning would be thrown off from your religion of peace? Just asking.

If you organziard a woman’s march but allowed one of your employees to have some dude rub his balls on her and threatened to fire her if she complained you are a HYPOCRITE

No thanks. Not taking political cues from a terrorist.

Linda Cockroach (she’s proud of that btw) wants a traitor to the US to run for Senate and win. Color me surprised. It fits right in with her desire to destroy America and install her own morality here.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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