
Sen. Hatch Stresses the Need for Privacy in Electronic Communications

hatchSen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) spoke yesterday at the Media Institute and outlined the necessity of updating the Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA) by enacting reforms designed to protect privacy of electronic communications.

Hatch is the sponsor of the Law Enforcement Access to Data Stored Abroad (LEADS) Act that would extend privacy protection to electronic communications stored on overseas servers while also allowing law enforcement access where needed.

The timing of Sen. Hatch’s speech could not be more on point. As he spoke, two federal agencies in testimony demanded access to your emails without a warrant.

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Sen. Hatch stressed the need for privacy, saying, “As this morning’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing confirms, virtually everyone agrees that Americans should enjoy the same privacy protections in their online communications that they do in their offline communications. But Congress has not adequately updated the law since its enactment, and technological developments have resulted in disparate treatment between online and offline communications.”

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