Seattle mayor ‘walks back’ remark about ‘Summer of love’
Fox News is reporting that Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has walked back a remark she made June 11 during a CNN interview with Chris Cuomo that the Jet City would experience a “summer of love,” especially now that the so-called CHOP (for Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) zone has experienced a weekend of violence leaving one dead and two wounded, in separate shootings.
Last week, Durkan insisted the comment was made “in jest,” while acknowledging, “it probably was not the smart thing to do.”
There’s been no such pronouncement from Socialist Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, who suggested the weekend shootings might be the handiwork of “right-wing” attackers, though Fox News noted in a report she did so “without any evidence” to support the theory. Sawant has been criticized for making the remark.
Seattle has been “Ground Zero” for much of the far-left protest activity that began as public outcry against the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd last month, for which four now-former police officers have been fired and criminally-charged. The Black Lives Matter movement was re-kindled, and apparently also hijacked by anarchists who exploited the opportunity to riot in several cities. Police cars were burned, private businesses were trashed and looted and public property was destroyed.
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Law enforcement in some cities found itself overwhelmed, and highly criticized for using teargas, flashbangs and other crowd control strategies, though in Seattle none of that stopped the vandalism.
President Donald Trump threatened to send in troops to quell the violence, and now the gun prohibition lobby has inserted itself into this situation. Everytown for Gun Safety, the Michael Bloomberg-backed anti-gun group, has circulated an email message attack the National Rifle Association—and by default every other Second Amendment organization—declaring, “The NRA’s leaders have yelled about needing guns to protect against tyranny for years. Yet, when President Trump threatened to deploy the military to states across the country, the NRA was silent. While police and the National Guard have been brutalizing and tear gassing protestors, the NRA has not had a word to say about tyranny.
“That’s because the NRA and Donald Trump don’t have disagreements. Their inflammatory, racist rhetoric and their extreme ‘guns everywhere’ agenda are their joint priorities.”
Anarchists who appear to have taken over have demanded police be defunded or disbanded, but a recent Rasmussen survey found that only 27 percent of American adults agree with that idea.
“Despite the growing political movement to defund police departments and channel that money into more social services,” Rasmussen noted, “59% are opposed to cutting their local police budget, while 14% are undecided.”
Only 17 percent of poll respondents believe there are too many police in the U.S. whole 38 percent say there aren’t enough.
But with demands to further restrict police, especially with use of force, it may become more difficult to recruit police. A fair number of people are concerned that in some cases, this will lead to complete anarchy, and it has been suggested that the CHOP project in Seattle is something of a trial run to see how well it works, so the left can try it in other cities.
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