
SCOTUS: Real Data Blows The Left’s Garbage ‘Corruption’ Narrative Halfway To Hell

Ever since Sen Schumer declared war on the right-leaning SCOTUS, the Dem’s de facto AV department in the media have been happy to run with that narrative.

For anyone paying attention, there have been a number of leftwing activist groups digging up dirt and agitating against SCOTUS, claiming that the conservatives in their number are somehow ‘tainted’ because they are not card-carrying leftwing activists.

Schumer stood on the steps of the Senate and called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name with barely-veiled threats saying they would reap the whirlwind. (Anyone familiar with that language knows it’s a biblical reference to judgement and retribution.) The Dobbs ruling only accelerated what had already been set in motion, and the left is looking for any excuse to disqualify and therefore ‘reform’ the courts into a configuration that just ‘happens’ to tilt left, as it had for several generations.

The courts have proven to be an irritating obstacle when it comes to pushing unconstitutional demands on the public. some of their objectives don’t stand a chance under the current balance of power in SCOTUS.

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Democrats have members of Congress, the Senate, and even the Executive branch that stand accused of serious crimes, including corruption and bribery… but that doesn’t stop any of them from turning their ire against the Supreme Court. Scratch that. They are turning their ire explicitly against the Conservative appointees of the Supreme Court. How convenient.

For example, shameless leftwing echo chamber Politico published the following headline: Clarence Thomas belatedly discloses lavish travel expenses paid for by Harlan Crow.

Implicit by the use of ‘belatedly’ in that headline is some kind of a moral failing on the part of Thomas. In reality, the prevailing rules at the time did not require disclosure on that sort of a benefit — as evidenced by the profound lack of interest the media has in travel provided for various other Justices, including Justice Breyer in the same period.

It’s part of an ongoing effort — echoed by clowns posing as news media on TV — to plant an idea in the public mind that right-of-center justices are somehow on the take… with ominous inferences left hanging in the air about what might possibly be offered in return.

What the clowns in the media fail to understand is how that theory is one that can be objectively tested.

Is the real extremism at the top of the pyramid in SCOTUS, or is it on the lower courts that Schumer’s majority has been packing with people who march lockstep with the latest Democrat talking points?

To run that test, we turn to an article by Jordan Boyd at the Federalist:

Since its inception, the Supreme Court has wielded its authority to deliver decisions rooted in bench agreement. In recent years, especially, justices “defied critics” with “historic unanimity” on cases that circuit, appeals, and state supreme courts decided in defiance of the Constitution. Of the 32 cases already decided in the 2023 term, 21 of the judgments were agreed upon by all of the presiding justices. Many of them signaled justices’ concern that lower courts abused their ruling power to violate the Constitution.
[…] In the NRA case, every justice on the high bench agreed that the Second Circuit should have examined the actions of gun control-crazed New York state officials as “reasonably understood to convey a threat of adverse government action in order to punish or suppress the plaintiff ’s speech.”
Justices’ agreement and analysis of this behavior confirms that the lower courts — not the highest court in the land, as the propaganda press routinely suggests — have “gone off the rails.”
Inferior circuit and district courts in overwhelmingly blue areas know this and have allowed it to fuel their capitulation to partisanship and misconduct so irreprehensible that it requires a swift and firm reaction from SCOTUS.
The spike in poorly ruled cases can be easily traced back to courts staffed and run by judges who have a blatant disrespect for the Constitution and a penchant for lying to Congress. President Joe Biden’s concerning list of judicial nominees, which seems to satisfy Democrats’ race and sex quotas, only exacerbates the chaos and dereliction that will inevitably send bad lower court decisions straight to the highest court in the land. — TheFederalist

If the media REALLY cared about the courts becoming corrupted, they might want to take a closer look at the lower courts.

Of course, that’s a really big ‘if’.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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