
Say it ain’t so! AOC not well-liked by 54% of voters, says Rasmussen

aoc says
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is on the losing end of a Rasmussen survey.

A new survey from Rasmussen Reports says 54 percent of likely voters “have an unfavorable view” of New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, leader of the so-called “Squad” of young, far-left Democrat women elected in 2018.

According to Rasmussen, 44 percent of survey respondents have a “very unfavorable” view of “AOC,” as she is popularly known.

Ocasio-Cortez was also mocked by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) during his remarks at Friday’s session of the Conservative Political Action Conference. Recalling her expression of fear following the Jan. 6 violent protest at the Capitol building, Cruz told his audience, “Bernie [Sanders] is wearing mittens, and AOC is telling us, ‘She was murdered!’ and the media desperately, desperately, desperately wants to see a Republican civil war.”

Rasmussen’s survey revealed also that voters “express a more negative opinion of (Nancy) Pelosi.” The House Speaker came away with a 48 percent unfavorable opinion, although 31 percent think congressional Democrats should be more like Pelosi (31%) than AOC (22%).

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However, the survey also found 46 percent of voters aren’t really sure which is the better role model for Democrats.

“Remarkably,” Rasmussen noted, “for a junior member of Congress, AOC appears to have better name-recognition than the leader of House Republicans, California Rep. Kevin McCarthy. Whereas 23% of Likely Voters say they’re not sure when asked their opinion of McCarthy, only 11% are not sure about Ocasio-Cortez.”

But Rasmussen added that McCarthy has a higher favorability rating (43%) than other congressional leaders. Only 29 percent have at least a “somewhat favorable opinion” of Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader in the Senate.

There was a plus for McConnell, if one can call it that. According to Rasmussen, “McConnell is less disliked than either Pelosi or New York Sen. Charles Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader. Whereas 35% of voters have a Very Unfavorable view of McConnell, 43% have a Very Unfavorable view of Schumer.”


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