
San Jose Closed Gun Stores as Non-Essential Business

San Jose closed gun stores as being “non-essential” businesses amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Understandably, lots of people are upset – since there were long lines of folks trying to buy weapons and ammo when the police shut them down.

san jose closed
Photo of the Bullseye gun shop via Guns America

“We are having panic buying right now for food. The one thing we cannot have is panic buying of guns.” Sam Liccardo, Mayor of San Jose

The Mayor issued a “shelter in place” order, and used that as license to shut gun stores down. A case in point is the Bullseye Bishop gun store in San Jose. Police said the owner was “cooperative” in the forced closure. But that doesn’t mean the customers were happy. Mercury News wrote,

“Outside the shop, San Jose painting contractor Joshua Wolfe, 37, who was buying ammo, said he believed the gun store had every right to remain open.

“Essential? It’s our right to arm ourselves,” Wolfe said. “Toilet paper is essential, right? People are going nuts for that, right?”

Everyone is “on edge,” he said, “because people don’t know the truth of this whole situation. If they’re short on supplies, they’ll come after people who are prepared.”

J.V. Sumabat, 31, of San Jose said he was worried about the same thing.

“I’ve seen people fighting over toilet paper. I’m worried what they will do out of desperation,” he said. “When people start looting stores and they don’t have access to food, they could come into the homes of those they feel are vulnerable. I’d rather be prepared.”

He’s right, of course. California law already limits persons to one firearm purchase per month, subject to a 10 day waiting period. Customers reportedly lined up around gun stores in several counties in California over the last few days. Bullseye Bishop was ordered closed for the next three weeks as San Jose closed it down.

The right to keep and bear arms is not subject to a coronavirus. People who purchased guns should have the right to retrieve them, and those who want protect themselves should have the right to obtain it. Are gun shops “non-essential” businesses? Most of us would argue they are actually “essential.”

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Mayor Liccardo is an anti-gun Democrat. Shutting down private businesses, as cities across the country are doing, is problematic as to whether it’s Constitutional or not, and that’s not just for gun stores. Are these emergency declarations being used by some as an excuse to push their anti-gun, leftist agenda?

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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