San Fran Mayor Violates Her Own Mask Order So She Won’t Suffocate, Get Clean Oxygen, Start “Feeling The Spirit” At BLM Party (Video)
Rules are for the little people, not big-time liberals like her.

(Natural News) The message coming directly from San Francisco’s Mayor about wearing Covid masks is that if you’re going to a really important event, in your opinion, there’s no need to worry about the pandemic at all. You can take off your mask and you’ll be fine, if the event is very special. Therefore, by her theory, it’s all mental. Immunity is just mental, in her opinion, especially if it’s a cultural event. Get rid of that mask and forget about social distancing and enjoy yourself, she’s saying. She also believes the spike protein injections provide 100 percent immunity, 100 percent of the time, and for 100 percent of people injected.
That’s good news for many Californians who thought, before Mayor London Breed clarified everything for everyone, that the pandemic could spread at anytime and to anyone, regardless of race or cultural “identity,” even at uplifting events.
Looks like you actually CAN smile through the pandemic, if someone popular says you can, like when the Japanese Health Ministry told all their people they could smile and drink beer and be immune to the radiation poisoning from the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.
BLM members, rioters and party attendees somehow immune to all US laws and now the Covid virus pandemic
“I Was Feeling the Spirit – I Wasn’t Thinking About a Mask” – says the San Fran Mayor who was violating her own Covid safety demands of the populace under her scamdemic rule. Do as I say, not as I do, is her credo. Be sure all children are masked at school all day, cutting their oxygen supply and limiting their cognitive abilities, while the Emperor wears no clothes (no mask) and parties away ‘while Rome burns.’
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Funny how her last name is “breed” like how she’s breeding the pandemic with her own hypocrisy, fake rules and haphazard partying. The BLM’ers (along with Antifa) were allowed to riot in the streets of every large Dem-run city, break into stores, set cars on fire, beat people (some to death) and no charges were brought to them. Now, BLM’ers are immune to the pandemic whenever they are engaging in “cultural” activities, so why aren’t the rest of us also?
Go anywhere, take off your mask, and just say that it’s an exciting cultural event for you, and nobody can blame you for breaking any rules, just like the Mayor of San Fran. Tell every child in every school in America to declare that school is a fun, cultural event and nobody has to wear masks ever again. Perfect.
London Breed is Falling Down … when it comes to honesty, integrity and respect
By now, we all know the masks are useless, in fact, they breed (pardon the pun) bacteria, infections and pneumonia for the wearers. Plus, we’ve seen practically every single elitist who declares the masks be mandated frolicking around at parties and events unmasked, kissing people, hugging everybody, shaking hands and laughing away. Then no apologies when they get caught, just excuses for not needing them at the time, and NONE of it is science-based. Pure hypocrisy and fraud on display by Mayors, Governors, Senators, Representatives and the fake President, Resident Biden.
Do you like Jazz? Take off your mask. The Mayor says you are immune to disease when enjoying cultural stuff. Are you going anywhere where you will be near famous people? That’s exciting. Take off your mask, because excitement prevents disease, according to head politicians in Democrat-run cities everywhere.
Are you Jewish, or Black, or Hispanic, or Asian? Take off your mask, because it’s cultural and anyone who presses you to put it back on is a racist who doesn’t respect culture, ethnicity, religion and successful people.
Here’s more from Mayor Covid-Breeder:
“I don’t know about you, but if you know who the legendary Bay Area musicians are, I don’t care where you’re sitting, you’re gonna get up and start dancing,” … , “I got up and started dancing because I was feeling the spirit and I wasn’t thinking about a mask. I was thinking about having a good time and in the process I was following the health orders.”
So by thinking about having a good time, she’s following the health orders. Her words.
Are you, or is someone you know suffering from SPS – Spike Protein Syndrome? Tune your truth news dial to for updates on the war against dirty vaccines and communism, and how to keep your family happy, healthy and safe.
Sources for this article include:
- Press Secretary Psaki: Biden Has ‘Bigger Issues’ After Being Caught Violating His Own Mask Executive Order (Video)
- Maskless Obama Dances With Celebrities, Hugs Guests At ‘Scaled Back’ Birthday Bash (Video)
- Report: Nazi Pelosi Spotted Maskless At DC Gathering AFTER Threatening To Arrest Maskless Staffers, Visitors
- Report: Democrat Gavin Newsom’s Maskless Indoor Dinner Involved 22 People
- Watch AOC Mask Up For Photo Op, Then Take It Off To Mingle
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