Two national gun rights organizations have raised questions about the timing and intensity of Democrat-launch investigations of the National Rifle Association, suggesting that the probes may be designed “to discredit (the organization) in the eyes of its members, supporters and allies when we all should be working together to defend our fundamental rights at a time when they are under unceasing attack.”

The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms raised the alarm in the wake of a story that appeared in The Trace, an online news organization funded by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg. The Trace reported that at least six investigations into the NRA have been launched since early 2018, and now that Democrats are in control of the U.S. House, those probes seem to be intensifying at a time that the Second Amendment is under attack.
“With Democrats in control of the House, promising to push a full slate of gun control measures, that seems just a little curious,” SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb observed.
Gottlieb also chairs the CCRKBA. The two groups are “sister organizations” and both have, at times in the past, joined forces with NRA on successful legal actions.
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“We’ve been delighted to work with NRA on a number of efforts,” Gottlieb said in a prepared statement, “including our successful lawsuits against the 2005 post-Katrina gun grab in New Orleans, the San Francisco gun ban, our joint challenge of Seattle’s attempted parks gun ban and our ongoing federal lawsuit against a gun control initiative in Washington State. So, when we see this kind of congressional onslaught at the same time Beltway anti-gunners are trying to ram through an aggressive gun control agenda, let’s just say our radar is up.”
Back during the Bill Clinton administration, the NRA faced scrutiny from the Internal Revenue Service, which actually occupied an office space in the organizations’ headquarters. At the time, the late Neal Knox, then NRA’s second vice president, was quoted by the Baltimore Sun stating, “If I’m to believe it’s random, I also believe in the tooth fairy. What they’re doing appears to me to be a purely political effort.”
NRA has been habitually demonized by the gun prohibition lobby for energizing its millions of members to pressure Congress and state legislatures against passing restrictive gun laws. Capitol Hill anti-gunners despise the organization for its effectiveness.
For that matter, there is not much love lost on SAF or CCRKBA, either. SAF has become a major force in challenging gun laws in the courts since winning the Supreme Court case of McDonald v. City of Chicago in 2010, nullifying that city’s handgun ban while also incorporating the Second Amendment to the states via the 14th Amendment. Gottlieb has acknowledged that the McDonald ruling opened the gates for gun law challenges on Second Amendment grounds.
In the joint news release from SAF and CCRKBA, Gottlieb said that if there are legitimate issues, they need to be fully aired and explained to the nation’s 100 million gun owners.
“Otherwise,” he said, “all of this may amount to a lot of smoke and mirrors” designed to not only distract NRA but create chaos within the firearms community at a time when they need to stand by one another to fight against the gun control push.
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