
SAF Announces Second Amendment First Responders Project

The Second Amendment Foundation is about to launch a project it calls “Second Amendment First Responders,” aimed at grassroots activists. (Dave Workman)

Grassroots activism is heading into new territory, thanks to a project being launched by the Second Amendment Foundation with notices already appearing on social media, and Conservative Firing Line has some exclusive details.

It’s the “Second Amendment First Responder” effort, coinciding with the upcoming “Grassroots Activism Summit” that will be on Zoom the evenings of May 26-27-28, at the 7 p.m. hour in the Eastern, Central and Pacific time zones. All three “summits” will be live events hosted by Glen Caroline, recently hired jointly by SAF and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as External Affairs director. Each session will cover the same material each night, so activists need only tune in for one of the three programs.

CFL broke that story earlier in the week.

According to SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, nearly 1,100 activists have already pre-registered for one or another of the one-hour webinars. The program is free, and it comes to your home via Zoom. You must pre-register.

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“The Second Amendment First Responder project is going to take gun rights activism to a whole new level,” Gottlieb predicted in a chat with CFL.


Caroline, in a telephone conversation, said he will briefly introduce the 2A First Responder effort as something of a “preview of coming attractions.” He wants to create a network of serious grassroots activists who will eventually be recruiting and mobilizing other activists in their communities.

“People who are gun rights activists right now are chomping at the bit, looking for something to be involved in while they are sitting in front of their computers (while the coronavirus shutdown continues).”

The 2A First Responder effort is that kind of opportunity upon which SAF, and its sister organization CCRKBA, can build.

“We’ll start small,” Caroline said.

People who participate in the webinars are the kind of activists who can make this project work, he suggested.

They’ve probably already seen the early advertising messages on social media.

“Politicians want to take away your guns,” the message says. “With your help, we won’t let them!”

SAF Outreach Director Andrew Gottlieb said First Responders can, for a limited time while supplies last, get their own gear, which includes a patch, lapel pin and bumper sticker. CFL has examined these items and they are attention-getters. The bumper sticker actually began appearing at last fall’s Gun Rights Policy Conference.

As the political campaign season swings into high gear, so also will Second Amendment activism, simply because gun rights v. gun control will be central to this year’s campaigns for the White House, Congress and even state legislatures. The gun prohibition lobby is already promising to spend at least $60 million in key races around the country to elect anti-gunners to political offices.

Grassroots activists can wear their pins and patches to Townhall meetings, city or county commission sessions and elsewhere

All funds raised by the First Responder project will go to SAF to be used in the protection of gun rights, via education and legal action projects.


Activists can still pre-register for one of the three webinar programs:

To register for the Tuesday, May 26 evening program, Click Here.
To register for the Wednesday, May 27 evening program, Click Here.
To register for the Thursday, May 28 evening program, Click Here.


SAF has become a legal powerhouse in recent years, and since the COVID-19 outbreak more than two months ago, the organization has been involved in at least a dozen federal lawsuits challenging local efforts in several states to shut down gun stores and shooting ranges as “non-essential” even though the Trump administration considers them essential.

With states slowly returning to some semblance of normality, gun shops and ranges are re-opening within social distancing guidelines. As the country recovers, the grassroots webinar programs could be just the beginning.


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