Roy Moore gives Gloria Allred 48 hours to release yearbook; Allred admits ‘I haven’t asked’ if accuser saw Moore sign book

During an interview on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” celebrity attorney Gloria Allred admitted she never asked Beverly Young Nelson if she actually witnessed Judge Roy Moore sign the yearbook, a photocopy of which was trotted out as “evidence” of sexual misconduct some 40 years ago. Meanwhile, Breitbart reported, Moore has given Allred 48 hours to release the book for forensic analysis.
A partial transcript of the Allred interview, as posted by Breitbart, reads:
TUR: Does your client, Beverly Young Nelson, remember him signing it?
ALLRED: She remembers — well, she remembers being with him. It was on the counter. She alleges that he took it, that he signed it and she was thrilled that he had signed it, because, as far as she knew, he was a D.A. and that was an important position.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
TUR: So she saw him sign it?
ALLRED: I don’t believe at the time she had a clue whether he was an assistant D.A. or a D.A., but he signed it, she took it. As far as she knows, I mean, there’s no reason for her to think it’s anybody’s but his signature.
TUR: But did she see him sign it?
ALLRED: You know, I don’t — I haven’t asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question. What she alleges was that she put it on the counter; that I think she asked to sign — or that he did sign it. That’s all.
TUR: I ask this, because it seems you’re not 100% sure that it is his signature, and if you’re not 100% sure that it is his signature, why would you show it at a press conference?
ALLRED: Well, why would — you know, why does anybody doubt that it is his signature?
The reason is simple — the signature in that book doesn’t appear to match Moore’s signature from 1999:
Here are the 2 signatures in question…
— Bob Grip (@Bob_Grip) November 15, 2017
Aaron Klein said the letter sent to Allred was dated November 15 and obtained by Breitbart News. Klein further said that attorney Trenton R. Garmon, who represents Moore and his wife, Kayla, “further requested that Allred take steps to ensure the ‘immediate and professional preservation of the yearbook.'”
The letter also demanded that Allred and her client issue a “full and fair public retraction” of all “false statements” concerning Judge Moore.
The letter reads:
Any “testing” performed on the evidence prior to its release to my clients and/or this firm which said “testing” results in alteration and/or destruction of the evidence, and/or any part of the evidence, will be considered spoliation.
…As part of the request for preservation of evidence the Moores request: (i) immediate and professional preservation of the yearbook and all other evidence as described above, (ii) reasonable but immediate efforts to create and maintain evidence regarding a chain of custody pertaining to all potential evidence, and (iii) that the yearbook be released to the custody of our expert forensic document examiner within two (2) business days of your receipt of this correspondence.
The yearbook inscription is a critical part of the story of Nelson, 55, who has claimed that Moore sexually assaulted her in a car in December 1977 or early January 1978 when she was a 16-year-old high school student. Nelson said the alleged assault took place outside a restaurant in Gadsden, Ala., where she says that she worked as a waitress.
A number of questions have been raised about the authenticity of the yearbook signature as we reported here and here.
Here’s video of her statement:
What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below.
- Hillary delegate Gloria Allred refuses to say Moore signature in high school yearbook not fabricated
- Judge Roy Moore to swamp leader Mitch McConnell: ‘Bring. It. On’
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- ‘Twitter thread genius’ Thomas Wictor: Judge Roy Moore signature inside Gloria Allred accuser’s yearbook forged
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