Return of the Swamp: Biden Reverses Nine Trump Executive Orders

President Joe Biden wasted no time filling the D.C. swamp upon his return to power. For four years President Donald Trump worked to drain the swamp. Now Biden, in an attempt to erase Trump’s accomplishments, will reverse that. Biden will take Washington back to the pre-Trump business-as-usual state of affairs by reversing nine of President Donald Trump’s executive orders.
- Resuming engagement with World Health Organization
Biden reversed Trump’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations responsible for coordinating the international response to COVID-19. Trump accused WHO of protecting China as the coronavirus pandemic took off.
- Rejoining Paris Agreement on climate change
Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement to put the U.S. back in a position to “exercise global leadership” in advancing the climate change objectives of the treaty. The U.S. will officially be reinstated in 30 days. The Paris Agreement, which committed the U.S. to drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, was a truly bad deal—bad for American taxpayers, American energy companies, and every single American who depends on affordable, reliable energy.
- Revoking Keystone XL pipeline permit
Biden revoked the permit on the partially completed pipeline which was creating high paying jobs for Americans, an estimated 42,000 direct and indirect jobs nationwide. It would also have resulted in millions of dollars in economic growth for North America, including more than $3 billion for the U.S. The project would have been a critical component to strengthening America’s energy infrastructure, connecting U.S. and Canadian oil reserves to existing and new markets. It would also have increased North America’s long-term energy security through the delivery of safe, secure and stable crude oil.
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- Rescinding Trump’s 1776 Commission to promote patriotism in schools
Biden has disbanded the 18-member group formed last September to write a report on “core principles of the American founding and how these principles may be understood to further enjoyment of the blessings of liberty.” The goal was to increase “patriotic education” via a centralized approach to nationalist curriculum and [counter the leftist propaganda being introduced to our schools in the 1619 Project.
- Including non-citizens in census
Biden’s executive order reverses the Trump administration’s order that excluded non-citizens from the census and apportionment. Because the Census count is used for determining the number of congressional seats each state has, this will ensure that Democrats add congressional seats in states such as California which have a high number of illegal immigrants.
- Lifting Ban protecting America from radical terrorists
Biden’s executive action will put an end to Trump’s travel ban which barred entry into the United States from primarily Muslim and African countries. Biden’s action instructs the State Department to restart visa processing for those affected and open our borders to radical terrorists such as those who planned and carried out the 9-11 attacks.
- Eliminating Trump border control policies
Biden’s executive order reverses Trump policies which gave the Department of Homeland Secuirty additional resources, tools and personnel to carry out the critical work of securing our borders, enforcing our immigration laws, and ensuring that individuals who pose a threat to national security or public safety cannot enter or remain in our country.
- Ending border wall construction
Biden’s order terminates the national emergency declaration Trump used to fund border wall construction and immediately pause construction. This will make it easier for caravans of illegal immigrants from Central America to sneak across our borders.
- Reversing executive order to eliminate excess government regulations
Biden claims this will revoke the “needless obstacles” set forth by the Trump administration’s regulatory process. This would reverse the Trump Executive Order 13,771 which required that two existing federal regulations must be identified for elimination each time a new one is put forward.
“This is a systematic dismantling of the policies that were making America great again,” said Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning. “Joe Biden promised repeatedly in his inaugural remarks to seek unity in the county. But his actions don’t match his words. His action are those of a man who has lived his entire adult life in the D.C. swamp and rejects any attempt to drain it.”
Americans for Limited Government will continue to stand for freedom in these difficult times. We will be watching the new Biden administration closely and will inform you of all policies that would infringe on our liberties and offer you action items you can take to fight back against these policies.
Catherine Mortensen is Vice President of Communications at Americans for Limited Government.
Cross-posted with The Daily Torch
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