
Reports: Biden Approved Iran Attack On Israel ‘Within Certain Limits’

Foreign minister says U.S. given 72 hours notice of missile onslaught

“Within certain limits.”

That was the caution Joe Biden gave to Iran just before it attacked Israel with drones, missiles and more, essentially allowing the act of war, mounting evidence is revealing.

It was Reuters that reported just days ago a diplomatic source said Iran told Turkey about the plans to attack, and “Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had to be ‘within certain limits.”

Reuters said the Turkish source, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed “Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan had spoken to both his U.S. and Iranian counterparts … to discuss the planned Iranian operation, adding Ankara had been made aware of possible developments.”

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The report continued, “Earlier this week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to Fidan to make clear that escalation in the Middle East was not in anyone’s interest.”

The source confirmed, “Iran informed us in advance of what would happen. Possible developments also came up during the meeting with Blinken, and they (the U.S.) conveyed to Iran through us that this reaction must be within certain limits.”

The report explained Iran’s attack was in response to Israel’s decision to take out suspected targets at an embassy in Damascus.

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Now a report from Israel365News explains how Iranian officials “communicated their intent to launch a massive attack against Israel with the intention that this message be conveyed to the United States.”

That report explained through those same diplomatic channels, “the U.S. conveyed its tacit assent” on one condition.

The report noted Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian also confirmed Iran gave neighboring countries and the United States 72 hours’ notice that it would launch the attack.

Biden officials claimed Amirabdollahian was lying.

“That is absolutely not true,” a senior Biden official, unidentified in the report, said. “They did not give a notification, nor did they give any sense of … ‘these will be the targets, so evacuate them.'”

The Middle East, forever in turmoil over demands from Palestinians and others that Israel be eradicated, has been at a fever pitch since last Oct. 7, when Muslim terrorists in Hamas, based in the Gaza Strip, invaded Israel and butchered some 1,200 civilians, often in horrific ways.

Israel365 reported one U.S. official said, “We received a message from the Iranians through the Swiss as this [attack] was ongoing. This was basically suggesting that they were finished after this, but it was still an ongoing attack. So that was (their) message to us.”

It was only hours before the attack that Joe Biden went public with a comment that he would not divulge secrets, but he “expected” Iran to attack Israel “sooner, rather than later.”

Biden then over the weekend, after the attack, dispatched State Department spokesman Matthew Miller to express pride that Biden “played a critical role” in preventing loss of lives.

But Biden’s permissions, according to the report, did not extend to saying Israel could respond to the attack.

Israeli officials have confirmed that will happen, but they are not publicizing details ahead of time.

The report explained, “Despite the indications that the Biden administration had prior knowledge and given tacit permission for the attack, the White House blamed President Trump for Iranian aggression. On Sunday, White House national security communications spokesperson John Kirby gave an interview in which he blamed the previous administration for exiting the JCPOA nuclear agreement with Iran.”

President Trump’s administration pulled America out of that deal, noting that it provided a pathway for Iran to obtain nukes despite its goal of preventing that.

Israel365 said, “It should be noted that since Biden took office, his administration has removed sanctions, accounting for an additional $32 billion to $35 billion in oil revenue for Iran. About 70% of Iran’s oil exports are to China. The administration also paid the Iranian government $6 billion in ransom in return for five hostages.

“In 2020 the State Department assessed that Iran sends $100 million a year to Palestinian terrorist groups including Hamas and Hezbollah. Last year Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said that his group receives $70 million from Iran, plus long-range rockets but recent reports claim that this increased to $350 million in the last year.”

The recovery from the Hamas terrorism in Israel had not even died down before Biden “extended a sanctions waiver to allow Iran to access upwards of $10 billion in electricity revenue once held in escrow in Iraq,” the report noted.

Israel’s attack on a consulate annex in Damascus, which was cited as the reason for the most recent war maneuvers, killed 16, including seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps soldiers, five Iran-backed militia, one Hezbollah fighter, one Iranian adviser and two civilians.

The civilian toll was far less than the civilian toll during Barack Obama’s tenure, when he ordered multiple overseas strikes.

But among those killed in Damascus was Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi, who is reported by Iranian government publications as being the schemer behind the Oct. 7 terrorism by Hamas.

Reports suggest that of the 170 aerial drones, 30 cruise missiles and 120 ballistic missiles Iran fired at Israel, half failed to launch or crashed in flight. Estimates are that only a handful of ballistic missiles reached Israeli territory and did some damage.

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The post Reports: Biden approved Iran attack on Israel ‘within certain limits’ appeared first on WND.

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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