
Report suggests Rosenstein Blackmailed Into Appointing Mueller

On Thursday, Patrick Howley wrote at Big League Politics that Deputy Attorney General Robert Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller because, “our friends all have stuff on him,” according to private messages reportedly exchanged by five federal government employees on the day Mueller was appointed in May 2017.

Howley adds:

Intelligence insiders in Washington are exchanging the messages presented below because they believe they show an accurate presentation of what the House Intelligence Committee has long known: that an inter-agency coalition of a small number of operatives including a top official at John Brennan’s CIA conspired to leak negative stories and “memos” on General Michael Flynn. They ran an operation called “The Limey” to target Flynn and weaken his mental state.

Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller because “he knows our friends have stuff on him.”

Messages on the ‘Dark Web’ have identified five individuals who routinely hold group chats on the Gliph secure messaging app. In the conversations, the intelligence agents clearly conspire to leak damaging information about the Trump White House.

Howley has quite a bit more, including what he says are the “Deep State” handles used by five of those engaged in the conversation.

“A ‘Dark Web’ identity known as FreshCamel told Third Estate News Group that he/she picked up private Gliph conversations between five people that he/she says are intelligence agents. FreshCamel did this by getting into a top FBI official’s computer through a Phishing email. FreshCamel says that the five-person group talks for 45 minutes a day about four times per week,” Howley further said.

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There’s more, here, including screen shots of the alleged conversation.

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