
Report: Florida Democrats Used Altered Forms to Fix Improper Ballots

Emails obtained by USA Today Network show Florida Democrats last week organized an effort to provide voters who had submitted improper ballots a chance to fix them using altered forms.

According to the Naples Daily News, one Democrat leader directed party aides to send out altered forms that would allow voters with signature issues on their absentee ballots to fix them after the state deadline.

The vote-by-mail ballots had a deadline of November 5th, the day before the election. The volunteers and staff were given copies of a form known as a “cure affidavit” which had a deadline of November 8th.

The unaltered form is featured on the left below, the altered version is on the right:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

On November 7th, Florida deputy field director Jennifer Kim sent out an email to those volunteers and staff which provided a list of voters who had not properly signed their ballots. The altered forms were to be filled out with them, emailed to them, printed out, signed, and delivered to the local election office.

It is clearly a ploy to take ballots that had been incorrectly submitted by the original deadline, correct them, and submit them in the hopes they could extend the deadline.

The Naples Daily News reports:

One Palm Beach Democrat said in an interview the idea was to have voters fix and submit as many absentee ballots as possible with the altered forms in hopes of later including them in vote totals if a judge ruled such ballots were allowed.

This is election fraud. A fraud that Democrats continue to mock as being non-existent when President Trump and Republicans voice their concerns over election integrity.


Judge Extends Deadline

Wouldn’t you know it, it looks like their fraudulent activity worked.

Democrats conveniently concocted a scheme to provide altered forms to fix erroneous ballots “in hopes of later including them in vote totals if a judge ruled such ballots were allowed.”

And just like that, an Obama-appointed judge did indeed extend the deadline in order to count votes in two very heated Florida political races.

Those heated races involve gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis and Senate candidate Rick Scott, both Republicans who seemingly won their respective races on Election Day.

Reports indicate that while altered forms were found in particular counties, “Florida Democrats were organizing a broader statewide effort beyond those counties to give voters the altered forms to fix improper absentee ballots.”

This IS Election Fraud

Democrats like to pretend election fraud isn’t actually a thing, but it’s actually an industry wholly owned by their party.

In fact, Pam Keith, a Palm Beach County Democrat, who actually shared a message with her Twitter followers on how to “perfect” their absentee ballots after the deadline, denied that these actions constitute fraud.


Notice her tweet also gives the same date as the altered forms.

“It is not fraud to try and correct something,” Keith claimed. “There’s nothing fraudulent about that.”

That remains to be determined. The Department of State raised concerns about the illegal forms and forwarded them to federal prosecutors.

“Making or using an altered form is a criminal offense under Florida law,” Bradley McVay, the state department’s lawyer, wrote upon submitting them for review.

Criminal activity in an election is a resume enhancer for the left.

Cross-posted with Mental Recession


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