
Red States Must INDICT Democrats in Response to Trump Conviction | ‘Lock The Clintons & Bidens Up!’

For Starters…..

AS an investigative journalist, it is impossible to cite decades of evidentiary trails that this fellow patriot has raised via a volume of clarion calls; be it in writing, speaking engagements, global interviews, or a block-buster book. August 2016.

STILL yet, know this: All of the hand-wringing aside, if millions of patriots do not rise up, well, America, the heretofore leader of the free world, will be dead and buried, never to be ressurected from the ash-heap of history, again!

AS a matter of record, last week’s introductory “cards on the table” clarion call was crystal clear.

ALAS, consider the below video as its adjunct thereof. Sans a scintilla of a doubt, the time for pussy-footing around is long past!

OF course, red state leaders must lead the charge. But millions of patriots have to rise up and ensure that they get it done.


(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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