Rasmussen: NRA gets higher ratings than Clinton or Trump
A new Rasmussen survey published Tuesday morning just sent a bow shot across the Good Ship Hillary: A majority of likely voters (54%) have a positive opinion of the National Rifle Association.
This comes just days after a different Rasmussen survey found that 43 percent of likely voters support Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, and 40 percent support Republican nominee Donald Trump.
Now would be a good time to ask Clinton about her statements regarding the Supreme Court’s rulings on the Second Amendment, and whether she plans to appoint liberal, anti-gun judges and high court justices, if elected.
It might also be prudent to remind Clinton that she was the one who picked the fight with the NRA over gun control. It was Clinton, not the NRA or any other gun rights organization, who essentially declared war on gun owners more than a year ago as part of her presidential bid. She made gun control a cornerstone of her campaign. She seemed to relish the notion that the NRA is the enemy.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
According to Rasmussen, “Nearly two-out-of-three voters (65%) say the Second Amendment is important to their vote in the upcoming elections, with 47% who say the issue is Very Important.”
Is Clinton paying attention? Or, is she simply forging ahead, ignoring her critics and evidently secure with the impression held by many people that she seems above the law. Does she even care whether a majority of likely voters may make their choice in November based at least in part on their feelings about the right to keep and bear arms?
A third Rasmussen revelation is that 64 percent of likely voters think it is “likely” that some things Clinton did while secretary of State “were influenced by donations made to the Clinton Foundation.”
“This includes 49% who say it is very likely,” Rasmussen reported Tuesday. “This compares to 63% overall who felt that way in April of last year when news reports first questioned Clinton’s actions in relation to the foundation, but at that time just 42% felt cash-for-favors was very likely.”
- Hillary supporters want to repeal Second Amendment — Video
- WaPo: ‘Crime Wave’ rhetoric is hype, except in three liberal cities
- Report: Armed citizens less likely to commit crimes
- Follow-up: Northwest gun banners have huge credibility problem
- New report: More than 14.5 million now licensed to carry
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