
Racist? Obama-appointed Surgeon General resigns, liberals trash black female replacement

surgeon general
Sylvia Trent-Adams, the new acting Surgeon General — Facebook

On Saturday, ABC News reported that Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General under the Obama Administration, was removed from his post by the Trump administration, elevating his deputy, Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams, a black female registered nurse who, by the way, holds a Ph.D., something ABC News failed to mention in its report.

“Dr. Murthy, the leader of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, was asked to resign from his duties as Surgeon General after assisting in a smooth transition into the new Trump Administration,” said Department of Health and Human Services spokesperson Alleigh Marré in a statement. “Dr. Murthy has been relieved of his duties as Surgeon General and will continue to serve as a member of the Commissioned Corps. Secretary [Tom] Price thanks him for his dedicated service to the nation.”

Even though ABC never mentioned her Ph.D., the report further said:

In addition to her duties as deputy Surgeon General, Trent-Adams also served as the chief nurse officer of the U.S. Public Health Service from November 2013 through May 2016. In this role, she advised the Office of the Surgeon General and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the recruitment, assignment, deployment, retention, and career development of Corps nurse professionals.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Prior to joining the Office of the Surgeon General, Trent-Adams was the deputy associate administrator for the HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration.

Naturally, the liberal hate machine sprang into action, trashing the acting Surgeon General.

Yes, a registered nurse with a Ph.D., so you can, technically, call her “Doctor,” even though she may not have a medical degree.

And it’s interesting to note that no one seemed to have a problem when she was named to be Murthy’s deputy.  Apparently, it only matters because of the current occupant of the White House.


You’re being too literal minded.

The New York Times further bleated: “Nurse Replaces Surgeon General After Obama Appointee Resigns.”

And, BizPac Review said, the Times never mentioned her education until the very last paragraph.

One person noted:


That must be the reason…

Exit question: Where’s the race-baiters at MSNBC when you really need them?


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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