Publix Caves to Idiot Gun-Hater David Hogg
After demagogue David Hogg, child gun control activist, staged a “die-in” at Publix in Florida, the chain has now pulled its political support from all pro-gun campaigns – in particular, Florida Gubernatorial front-runner Adam Putnam. Publix donated over $600,000 to Mr. Putnam over time.
“I call on @Publix to donate double the money they gave to Putman [sic] to the Stoneman Douglas Victims fund, $1,000,000. And never support an A rated NRA politician again.” David Hogg according to a Washington Times article.
Hogg and company were even out chalking outlines in the parking lot to make his case before he and his child goons went inside and laid down on the floor. In the way of the customers, who had to step over them. Someone should have stepped ON them and kicked them out of the store. The “die-in” also turned into a shouting match.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
VIDEO: The die-in protest at Publix in Coral Springs turned into a shouting match between protesters and Trump supporters. @MikeMagsCBS12 is there. Latest at 5.
— WPEC CBS12 News (@CBS12) May 25, 2018
“We would never knowingly disappoint our customers or the communities we serve. As a result, we decided earlier this week to suspend corporate-funded political contributions as we re-evaluate our giving processes.” Publix statement
“They” didn’t decide, they let the children decide their policy, which is completely stupid. Oh, poor cowards don’t want to disappoint the babies that are throwing temper tantrums over Mr. Putnam’s support of the 2nd amendment. Find another grocery store, America, this one is run by cowards.
Adam Putnam is a staunch supporter of the Constitution. This loss may hurt his campaign, unless he is able to climb over the tops of the idiots who laid down on the floors of the Publix grocery store.
As far as ‘disappointing their customers,’ which ones? The ones that Publix have “disappointed” appear to be the normal citizens who had to stumble over the fools on the floor. Publix may have cut its own throat.
When a woman named “EmilyRose” tweeted this picture, David Hogg said it was “Literally the perfect symbolism of America’s indifference to gun violence.” Twitter users had some responses.
Anyone dense enough to think symbolism can be literal would also be dense enough to tweet this:
— Doc Washburn (@DocWashburn) May 26, 2018
Perfect indifference to your inanity, actually.
— Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D., M.S. (@Neoavatara) May 26, 2018
Perfect symbolism of America’s indifference to daily “protests”. Go about your business, step over the protesters, and get on with surviving.
— BigHeadBS (@BigHeadBS) May 26, 2018
Literally perfect symbolism of what grownups often do in grocery stores vs. what children often do in grocery stores.
— Just L (@JustLittleOldL) May 26, 2018
It’s an indifference to you……
— EducatédHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) May 26, 2018
I believe had I been the store manager I’d have seen this as the perfect time to do a good strong bleach mopping of the floor.
— libertylineman (@libertylineman) May 26, 2018
The manager should have sent his employees home, announced the store was closing, then locked all the doors and left.
— Brian Bond (@briangbc) May 26, 2018
Literally a perfect symbol of America’s indifference to people lying on dirty grocery store floors.
— Regs (@r3gulations) May 26, 2018
Literally and great time to drop watermelons.
— Why so Serious? (@BatmansMartini) May 26, 2018
Suspiciously, David Hogg attacked Publix over their support of Adam Putnam for Florida governor. Ron DeSantis also claims to be a 2A supporter. Is he next? If not, why not?
“There’s is something about liberals attacking you like they attack Trump and Republican leaders like Adam Putnam. Adam must be doing something right! They are scared he will win. This is why I support Adam Putnam 100%. He has a proven record, a second amendment supporter and a Florida-born son. He has done more for the Veteran community than anyone I know. He is one of ours, through and through.” Rick Ferran, owner of Uncle Sams Misguided Children, US Marine Veteran & Communism survivor
Adam Putnam’s Facebook Page. His campaign website is here for donations.
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
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