
Psaki Refuses To Answer Question About How Many Vaxxed WH Staffers Have COVID (Video)

Is this the “truth and transparency” that the American people were promised from the Biden-Harris administration?

It sure doesn’t look very transparent.

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to reveal the number of “breakthrough” cases of the coronavirus after the Super Spreader Texas Democrats went into exile in D.C. and spread COVID to Democrats in Washington.

So far, an aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi contracted the virus after taking them on a tour of D.C., and Jen Psaki confirmed on Tuesday that a White House staffer also tested positive after attending a swanky “rooftop reception” for the Texas Democrats.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Psaki confirmed at a press briefing after the news of the White House staffer’s positive COVID test was reported widely in the media.

She also admitted that there have been other breakthrough cases that haven’t been reported before.

Refusing to disclose the number of cases in the White House may seem like the administration is trying to hide what’s going on — because that’s precisely what it is — and that is not in the spirit of the “truth and transparency” that the American people were promised by this administration.

On Inauguration Day at the very first press briefing of this administration, the newly-minted Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that she was committed to “truth and transparency.”

Apparently, she “circled back” on that and decided that “truth and transparency” weren’t necessary in some cases. One of those things is apparently information about cases of fully-vaccinated White House staffers contracting the coronavirus.

On Friday, she was asked by a reporter, ”This administration has long claimed that you’re trying to be the most transparent in history. If that’s the case, why won’t you just release the number of breakthrough cases you’ve had of vaccinated staffers?”

Psaki responded, “Well, I think first, we’re in a very different place than we were six to seven months ago as it relates to the virus. And as many medical experts have said — inside and outside of the government — those who are vaccinated are protected from serious illness. Most are asymptomatic if they are individuals who are vaccinated who get the virus. And we are in a different place in terms of the impact of individuals who may have, as you said, breakthrough cases.”

”But why not just provide the number? Are you trying to hide something?” pushes the reporter.

Psaki responded, ”No, but why do you need to have that information?”

The reporter says, “In case of transparency, the interest of the public, a better understanding of how breakthrough cases work here in the White House.”

Psaki then moves to CDC statistics about breakthrough cases in cohorts.

These are the same people fearmongering about how the Delta variant is so dangerous — even to the vaccinated — that your kids under 12 might have to wear masks in school because they are at low risk to the virus and aren’t eligible for an emergency-use vaccine that has no long-term testing.

So, are breakthrough cases a problem or not? The White House Press Secretary won’t answer that.

This isn’t the first time that the Biden administration has been hiding information. Back in March, the White House was keeping the press out of the detention facilities for children and youth at the southern border.

Why is it that the administrations that promise “truth and transparency” are always the ones that are constantly obfuscating and hiding the truth?

The Corporate Media will feign outrage for five minutes and then go right back to being the mouthpiece of the regime.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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