
Progressive PAC to post ‘Impeach Trump’ billboard near Mar-a-Lago

On Tuesday, The Hill reported that the far-left Mad Dog PAC is set to install a billboard near Mar-a-Lago which reads: “Impeachment now, Make America America Again!”

According to The Hill:

Mad Dog PAC founder Claude Taylor told Palm Beach’s CBS 12 that Trump is “unfit, ill-prepared and unstable.”

Photos of the not-yet-installed billboard show that it reads “Impeachment Now, Make America America Again!” designed in the style of Trump’s campaign logo.

The billboard will reportedly be located just two miles from Mar-A-Lago, which Trump has dubbed the “Winter White House.” Trump has spent at least 39 days as president at the resort, and 100 days at one of his properties generally.

Mad Dog PAC, by the way, is the group responsible for a billboard which calls the National Rifle Association a “terrorist organization.”

Moreover, this isn’t the only such billboard to go up attacking the president.  According to Mad Dog’s website, this is just one of many billboards the group plans to install across the country.

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According to the organization’s website:

MAD DOG PAC, is the Political Action Committee that solicits contributions from concerned citizens to fund billboards on against Treasonweasel House GOP candidates across the country. We are also the initiators of Anti-Trump Billboards with Impeachment Now, in addition to Attacking the NRA. Our billboard campaigns have also expanded to retail, for both Impeachment Now and Anti-NRA hats, tee shirts, lawn signs, bumper stickers and other swag.

The donation page for the billboard reads:

America simply cannot afford another minute with Trump as president.

Mad Dog is funding the installation of dozens of billboards around America demanding Trump’s immediate impeachment, but we need your help!

Impeachment, however, is not dependent on public opinion or the hurt feelings of sore losers whose candidate lost the previous election.

The group is also targeting GOP lawmakers like Devin Nunes and Paul Ryan.  The site includes an interactive map showing where the various billboards are going up.


Not everyone is impressed with the effort, however.

“I think it’s pathetic actually,” Trump supporter Ryan Tempone told CBS12.  “I think he’s doing great things for our country and we need to stop fighting and come together.”

Tempone added: “I think we need to embrace the great things that President Trump has done for this country.”

CBS said the billboard is expected to go up in two weeks and stay up for four weeks after that.



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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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