Since taking office, many people have suspected President Obama of playing favorites with Islamic extremists. From his aid to the Muslim Brotherhood, in overthrowing staunch US ally, Hosni Mubarak, to the air cover he supplied to Al Qaeda in Libya, to the arms he is shipping to Islamic extremists in Syria.
Now we learn that his brother, Malik, handles investments for the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the same brother who got tax exempt status in less than a month.
President Obama’s half brother, Malik Obama has been linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. Tahani Al-Jebali. a former Chancellor of the Constitutional Court of Egypt, and one of it’s current advisors, spoke on Egyptian TV, which has been translated by Walid Shoebat, former Muslim Brotherhood member. Al-Jebali says the reason the US has backed the Muslim Brotherhood, is because Malik Obama is their financial adviser.
Malik Obama recently made the news, when it was learned that he created a charity that got immediate approval for tax exempt status from Lois Lerner. This occurred during the same time, she held up 298 applications for Tea Party groups.
This could prove to be troublesome for Obama, although you can count on the main stream press to ignore it.