A new USA Today/Suffolk University poll released Christmas Eve comes like a lump of coal to President Donald Trump, who will leave office next month as a “failed” president, according to half of those responding to the survey, Yahoo News is reporting.
But is Trump the victim of selective reporting, aka “media bias?” Writing at the Boston Herald back in mid-September, journalist Michael Graham raked the “mainstream” media over hot coals for its treatment of Trump. The establishment press largely ignored the Middle East peace accords signed during Trump’s tenure. The media also ignored the improved economy and low unemployment under Trump’s leadership, derailed only by the COVID-19 outbreak. Long story short, the media ignored his successes.
And it’s not just the media. The Washington, D.C. establishment has never really warmed up to Trump because he is and always has been an “outsider” in the Beltway view. He’s “not one of us” always seemed to be a bias lurking in the tall grass. He is a businessman, an businessmen like to get things done and move on to the next project. Politicians, on the other hand, seem more inclined to perpetuate problems so they require new studies and more legislation; the art of not really doing anything. Or so say many of the “common folk” who filled his rallies to overflowing while Joe Biden largely campaigned from his basement.
Who can forget the insulting behavior of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping up her copy of Trump’s State of the Union address? She deliberately turned that into a spectacle of contempt for the man who should not have beaten Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The USA Today poll was taken Dec. 16-20 from among 1,000 registered voters. The newspaper even appears to take a poke at the president by noting, “The survey…shows the risks of actions he is contemplating on his way out the door. Americans overwhelmingly say issuing a preemptive pardon for himself would be an abuse of presidential power, and an even bigger majority, including most Republicans, say he should attend President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration to demonstrate the peaceful transfer of power.”
The story added that “White House officials say he has been weighing pardons for himself and family members.”
According to USA Today, 16 percent of survey respondents think Trump “will be seen as a great president,” while 13 percent will see him as “a good president” and another 16 percent as “a fair president.” But a whopping 50 percent will look at Trump as “a failed president.”
Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll released on Christmas Eve showed 45 percent of likely voters approve of the president’s job performance, while 52 percent disapproved.
However, like Graham’s September piece in the Boston Herald, a Nov. 29 opinion by Victor Joecks in the Las Vegas Review-Journal paints a kinder picture of the president, while pointing out a couple of his annoying traits.
“The president’s most lasting domestic legacy,” Joecks stated, “is a remade federal judiciary. He appointed more than 225 judges, including three Supreme Court justices. These picks won’t proactively impose conservative policies, but rather prevent leftists from enacting theirs via judicial fiat.”
That fact alone may drive the Left nuts, say Trump supporters, who still maintain the election was stolen, as explained by writer John Perazzo at Front Page.
Joecks also acknowledged, “Trump’s personality and Twitter addiction were off-putting to many. But conservatives always appreciated two things. He was unashamedly proud of America and he refused to back down when the media — often unfairly — attacked him. Other Republican elected officials should combine Trump’s spine with more nuanced rhetoric and a dash of self-control.”
Declaring Trump a “failure” may be the result of a failure by the public to judge the whole man and all of his reported accomplishments; tilted by either a jaundiced liberal perspective, or impaired by a lack of certain facts, courtesy of a media bias that concentrated on his personal faults rather than his political and diplomatic successes. History will judge, and that sometimes takes a generation or two to sort things out.
Trump will leave office with the nation still divided. A Dec. 10 article in the Hartford Courant noted that a whopping 77 percent of Republicans believe there was widespread vote fraud in the November election.
And as for Joe Biden healing and uniting the nation, a headline in the New York Times Nov. 14 put the lid on that trash can: “Biden asked Republicans to Give Him a Chance. They’re Not Interested.”
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