
Pete, Tom and Amy bail: Field narrowing to Bernie, Biden and Bloomy

Joe Biden has picked up endorsements from drop-outs Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar as the Democratic field shrinks on the eve of ‘Super Tuesday.’

Pete Buttigieg, billionaire Tom Steyer and Sen. Amy Klobuchar all bowed out of the Democratic presidential primary race in the aftermath of Saturday’s South Carolina primary, leaving the field narrowing to what is likely going to be a collision between the party’s far left wing and those who consider themselves “moderates.”

And with Buttigieg and Klobuchar endorsing Biden, it increases the likelihood of a convention fight in July. Establishment Democrats are fearful that if Sanders—a self-described Socialist Democrat—is the party’s standard-bearer in November, it will result in a crushing defeat that could have a ripple effect all the way to “Blue State” legislatures.

Meanwhile, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is trailing badly, but appears to be hanging on.

Waiting in the wings is billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who has invested a fortune in advertising in the Super Tuesday states, hoping some wins will propel him into the arena. However, the Sanders faction (described by some with the not-so-glowing acronym “FSA” for “Free S—T Army”) does not like Bloomberg at all because of his billions, and his strong Wall Street ties.

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But Biden has had another gaffe, and this one, according to the Daily Caller’s report, was embarrassing. During a speech in Texas, the former vice president reportedly forgot the words to the preamble of the Declaration of Independence.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” Biden reportedly said. “All men and women created by you know, you know the thing.”

But that is not what the Declaration says. The actual wording is this: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

There is a growing suspicion that Biden’s gaffes are not just “Joe being Joe.” Last week during remarks at a campaign rally, he goofed by telling an audience he was running for the U.S. Senate. During the debate in a nasty exchange with Sanders, Biden claimed 150 million Americans had been killed with firearms in the years since 2007.

Klobuchar and Buttigieg had decent starts, while Steyer was something of a mystery in the race from the beginning.

As if the stakes weren’t high enough, AFP is reporting that the U.S. Supreme Court is about to hear a case that could put “the future of abortion in the United States” in doubt. Abortion is a powder keg issue among Democrats. The case is known as June Medical Services v. Russo, and it involves a Louisiana statute requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, according to the AFP story.

Another issue with Democrats is gun control, and in that arena, every remaining candidate probably stands in Bloomberg’s shadow. He has devoted millions of dollars to gun control efforts, funding the launch of Everytown for Gun Safety and supporting the subsidiary Moms Demand Action group.

A Bloomberg nomination, if it comes to that, could bring every American gun owner to the polls in November, determined to keep him out of the White House as much as they were to prevent Hillary Rodham Clinton’s election in 2016. It would also cement Democrats as being the “party of gun control” or “gun confiscation,” and it’s a brand that would stick.

Lately, Democrats have not done anything to suggest it wouldn’t be an accurate description.


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