
PETA Says Carousel Animals are “Exploitation”

Can these radical fools even tie their shoes? Inquiring minds want to know.

PETA (aka People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) sent a letter to Chance Rides, a Kansas-based manufacturer of carnival rides, asking them to replace all the horses, lions and tigers with cars, trucks, rainbows and other “inanimate” objects. (Daily Wire) No, this is not satire.

“Animal-themed carousel sets reinforce the notion that these sentient beings are simply here for our entertainment, rather than individuals with the same capacity to experience fear, pain, joy, and love as any of us…

Children learn through play, and teaching them to have respect and compassion for all living, feeling beings can help create a more just and merciful world.”  PETA letter.

The problem here is one of transference. They mentioned that animals used for entertainment are often “beaten” and even “slaughtered.”  But a carousel ride is not animate: and no one beats them into submission.  Unless they believe removing a screw or nail is somehow evil.  Personally, I get quite angry at anyone who beats any beautiful animal or even a child. But a carousel ride is not an animal – it is a representation of one.

So what, are they going to do, throw frozen turkeys into the carousels in Kansas to demonstrate their displeasure as they have done in several grocery stores (totally wasteful and demonstrates disrespect for the turkeys or chickens)? Are they going to throw paint or soup on the artistically created carousel horses as the eco-morons do to famous artwork? It is apparently the goal of leftists to take away EVERYTHING that allows us to feel enjoyment. And now they’ve even targeted little children.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Chance Rides is the largest manufacturer of Carnival Rides in the nation. Frankly, I hope they totally ignore the letter and throw it in the garbage where it belongs.

“In a world that often moves too fast, people still find time to take the carousel’s magical voyage. Children experience pure wonder, parents and grandparents see life through younger eyes, teens forget their inhibitions … even romance finds its spark beneath the dazzling lights.”

“Each Chance Rides carousel is a masterpiece, painstakingly crafted for an authentic, distinctive look… Multiple sizes and scenery options are available for you to find the Chance Rides carousel that fits your needs.” Chance Rides website

Let’s be blunt: the animal figures on a carousel ride do more to bring respect for the real creatures than PETA seems to think. I’ve seen (and done it myself when younger) children petting the inanimate renditions of tigers and horses. Sometimes they even hug them just to express their love for the creatures represented (as my granddaughter did). It’s the joy of riding the carousel – something to which PETA is oblivious.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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