
Pelosi, Democratic Leaders Still Looking to Impeach Trump

The Liberals hate President Donald Trump so much that they are now pushing a radical alternative to impeach him by backing a bill that would create a congressional “oversight” commission that could declare the president incapacitated, Yahoo.com reported.

Liberal House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) and 25 other liberal Democrats are so desperate that they plan to try and impeach Trump from office under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, claiming that he is “supposedly” not fit to lead.

Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News reported:

For months, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders have privately counseled their more militant members to forswear talk of impeaching President Trump, telling them the political support for such a step simply doesn’t exist in the GOP-controlled Congress.

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But 25 House Democrats, including the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, are now pushing an equally radical alternative: They are backing a bill that would create a congressional “oversight” commission that could declare the president incapacitated, leading to his removal from office under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

At 12:56 p.m. Thursday, barely four hours after Trump tweeted attacks against MSNBC cable host Mika Brzezinski in crude, personal terms, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the chief sponsor of the bill, sent out an email to his colleagues, urging them to get behind the measure, writing it was of “enduring importance to the security of our nation.”

“In case of emergency, break glass,” Raskin told Yahoo News in an interview. “If you look at the record of things that have happened since January, it is truly a bizarre litany of events and outbursts.” Asked if Trump’s latest tweets attacking Brzezinski and her co-host Joe Scarborough — which were roundly condemned by members of both parties as beneath the dignity of his office — strengthened the grounds for invoking the 25th Amendment, Raskin replied: “I assume every human being is allowed one or two errant and seemingly deranged tweets. The question is whether you have a sustained pattern of behavior that indicates something is seriously wrong.” After Trump’s Thursday morning tweets, four more Democrats signed on to Raskin’s bill, his office said Friday. (Brzezinski and Scarborough’s response to Trump’s tweets ran in today’s Washington Post under the headline, “The President is not well.” White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump’s tweets Thursday, saying he “fights fire with fire.”)

The left hates Trump so bad, that their narcissistic ignorance is hard to ignore.

As John Hawkins stated, “Elite liberals seemed to genuinely believe that people who didn’t vote for them were just poor, deluded saps who didn’t understand what was in their own best interest.”

“Liberalism is shot through with narcissism. Narcissists believe they’re better than everyone else just by virtue of being who they are. So do liberals. Liberals also believe they’re smarter, more compassionate and more caring just because they’re on the Left. Whether you’re talking about a liberal or a narcissist, this leads to high, but unstable self-esteem.”

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Fmr. Sgt, USAF Intelligence, NSA/DOD; Studied Cryptology at Community College of the Air Force

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