
Outrageous: Everytown suggests talking gun control on Turkey Day

While the nation is preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving, the Michael Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety gun prohibition lobbying group is encouraging people to talk about gun control at the dinner table, in an email blast sent to supporters this week.

The gun prohibition lobby wants people to discuss gun control over Thanksgiving dinner. (Dave Workman)

In a message over the name of Sarah Burd-Sharps, Everytown director of research, there are talking points. The message begins, “I wanted to send you a few gun sense discussion starters before the holidays, since gun violence and gun safety are on a lot of our minds. If you are celebrating Thanksgiving with friends and family who are unaware of how pervasive gun violence is in America, these stats could help you start the conversation.”

According to Burd-Sharps, about 15 minutes is the average time “between gun deaths in the United States.”

She says guns are “the 2nd leading cause of death for children under 18.” Perhaps someone at the dinner table should ask if that includes teenage gang thugs killing one another with illegally-possessed firearms?

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Part of the conversation ought to include a discussion about the Miami, Fla., resident who told police he was forced to shoot a would-be robber Monday who thrust the muzzle of an AK-47 into his face while he was parked in a van with his young son and girlfriend.

Identified by Fox News as Donovan Stewart, and a member of the National Rifle Association—not that this should matter—the armed citizen fatally shot the unidentified gunman, who apparently demanded jewelry from Stewart.

According to the Miami CBS affiliate, the same robber may have been the fellow who robbed another person over the weekend. Police are investigating that possibility. Stewart reportedly is licensed to carry in Florida.

Bloomberg, who is now running for president, has his own troubles. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are on the warpath against Bloomberg, criticizing his wealth and how he is allegedly using it to buy the nomination and election. Warren is “sinking like a rock” in a new poll, according to Fox News, in the wake of her rollout of the “Medicare for All” plan. A Quinnipiac University poll shows Warren’s drop of 14 points, Fox said.

Politics is always such good conversation fodder at a Thanksgiving family gathering, say jokesters, because it helps determine who isn’t going to be invited for Christmas.

Should that holiday chat about gun safety include a thought or two about providing a course as part of the public school curriculum? Should people banter about armed self-defense? What about the brutal murder of New Jersey resident Carol Bowne four years ago while her application to just purchase a handgun for home protection was gathering dust on the desk of the local police chief?

What the Everytown email blast demonstrates is the difference between average people wanting to enjoy a holiday with family and friends while talking families and maybe football, summer vacations, and cars or home improvements, and extremists who are so fanatical about their hatred of firearms that it consumes them.

As noted by Dan Gross, former president of the Brady Campaign who spoke at the Washington, D.C. gun rights rally four weeks ago, some people in the gun control movement have “an ideological hatred of guns and people who own them.”

Ideological hatred is not the best starting point for any conversation, especially over a Thanksgiving dinner table.


Cracking the code on ‘gun violence’ – The truth anti-gunners resist


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