Writing at Fox News, regular contributor Mollie Hemingway—a senior editor at The Federalist—presents a strong case for investigating the 2020 election with which only a far left hypocrite could disagree.
She contends voters who supported Donald Trump “deserve to know the effect flooding the system with tens of millions of mail-in ballots had on their vote.”
By wild coincidence, Hemingway’s piece comes on the heels of a Rasmussen survey revelation that “nearly two-thirds of voters believe the result will be more cheating in elections” if more states make voting by mail permanent. According to Rasmussen, 65 percent of likely voters believe wider use of mail-in ballots will result in more cheating. Fifty-one percent think it is “very likely” to bring more cheating.
Hemingway takes readers back to the aftermath of the 2016 election in which Trump soundly beat Hillary Rodham Clinton by paying more attention to winning Electoral College votes, the establishment media went nuts. The media had virtually anointed Clinton to be Barack Obama’s successor. When she turned out to be a lousy candidate with way too much baggage for her own good, who took way too much for granted from blue collar voters in too many states, the media and Capitol Hill Democrats declared war on “The Donald.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
As Hemingway notes with razor-like prose, “Rather than accept that Trump won and Clinton lost fair and square, the political and media establishments desperately sought to explain away Trump’s victory. They settled on a destructive conspiracy theory that crippled the government, empowered America’s adversaries, and illegally targeted innocent private citizens whose only crime was not supporting Hillary Clinton.”
Trump may not be everybody’s first choice for a neighbor, but perhaps his worst offense was in defeating Clinton.
Now, the Left wants to make it easier for people to vote…questionably, as one might assume from the Rasmussen revelations.
“Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters now believe it’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 41% who say it’s Very Likely,” Rasmussen reported.
However, 39 percent of survey respondents disagree, but Rasmussen’s poll revealed something else.
“The number who think President Joe Biden’s election was tainted by cheating has actually increased since April, when 51% of voters said they thought cheating likely affected the outcome,” the veteran polling firm discovered.
Still, Rasmussen learned from this survey that only 48 percent think it is bad policy to enact laws allowing mail-in voting to become permanent, while 41 percent think it is a good policy decision.
Hemingway, who just released a new book, “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections” (Regnery, October 12), was blunt in her observations.
“The bedrock of the American republic is that elections must be free, fair, accurate, and trusted,” she writes. Election lawyers will tell you that fraud is almost impossible to conclusively find after the fact, and that to fight it, strong rules and regulations are needed on the front end…What happened during the 2020 election must be investigated and discussed, not in spite of media and political opposition to an open inquiry, but because of that opposition. The American people deserve to know what happened.”
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