
OK, GROOMERS: Media Swipe At ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Backfires Big Time (Video)

Look closely at these two headlines. ABC decries “Sound of Freedom” as propaganda. ABC reporter goes down for rape slavery. — The Texian

ABC News July 19, 2023:

Epoch Times July 21, 2023:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Our buddy The Texian has made an interesting observation — the Regime Media is trying to spin the success of “Sound of Freedom”, a movie about the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children, as an example of the Right (specifically those nutty MAGA Deplorables) embracing a QAnon “conspiracy theory”, meanwhile, someone who was breathing the same rarified air over at ABC News was caught in possession of child porn.

Talk about an awkward pair of articles!

The ABC News article begins (predicably) with slamming former President Donald Trump:

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday night hosted a screening of the film “Sound of Freedom” at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, one day after the revelation that special counsel Jack Smith has informed Trump he is a target of the federal investigation into his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
“Sound of Freedom” is a faith-based film, and evangelicals are one of its main audiences. An adviser to Trump told ABC News that the screening was going to include a large faith-based element.
The movie is loosely based on Tim Ballard, who founded the anti-trafficking organization Operation Underground Railroad. The fictional story, starring actor Jim Caviezel as Ballard, follows his mission through the Colombian jungle to save a girl from child traffickers…
…”Sound of Freedom” is a faith-based film, and evangelicals are one of its main audiences. An adviser to Trump told ABC News that the screening was going to include a large faith-based element.

The ABC News framing of the story is that the movie is stoking the fear of child sex trafficking and that it’s the gullible, idiot Trump-supporting Evangelicals that believe that kind of Q-Anon conspiracy bunk and that Trump is simply exploiting that.

Of course, while doing that, they also attempt to discredit the star of the film, Jim Caviezel, and the real-life hero he portrays, Tim Ballard, because… Trump.

Between late 2019 and 2020, Ballard served on an anti-trafficking White House advisory council while Trump was president.
His and Operation Underground Railroad’s work has been closely scrutinized in an investigation published by Vice News that reported Ballard and the organization had at times seemingly exaggerated some elements of their work.
(Emphasis added)

The ABC News article does include that Ballard, Angel Studios, and Operation Underground Railroad have all pushed back on claims that they’re promoting a QAnon conspiracy.

“I can’t explain it and neither can they. … They just like to throw the word out, ‘QAnon,’” Ballard, the anti-trafficking advocate, said on Fox News. “They make zero connection to the actual story.”
The CEO of Angel Studios, which is distributing “Sound of Freedom,” has likewise pushed back on this claim, saying: “Everyone who’s seen this film knows that it has nothing to do with politics or conspiracy, and that it’s just a great, true story, well-told.”
Operation Underground Railroad’s website states that they don’t “condone conspiracy theories and [are] not affiliated with any conspiracy groups in any way, shape or form. Accurate information about child exploitation and human trafficking is imperative to effectively confront these issues.”
Source: ABC News

It’s sad that the state of media is so awful that including comments by the people they’re trying to smear is worthy of kudos, but here we are.

Just two days after publication of that article, The Epoch Times reports that a former ABC News journalist has pleaded guilty to possession of child porn.

From the Epoch Times article:

James Gordon Meek, 53, pleaded guilty to using an online messaging platform to send and receive child porn, according to a plea agreement made public on July 21.
Mr. Meek acknowledged knowingly violating 18 U.S. Code § 2252, which bars transporting child porn “using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means including by computer or mails” and knowingly possessing or accessing child porn “with intent to view.”
Mr. Meek is slated to be sentenced on Sept. 29. He faces at least five years in prison, and up to 40 years behind bars. He could also be ordered to pay a fine of up to $500,000.
A lawyer for Mr. Meek did not respond to a request for comment.
An ABC spokeswoman did not return an inquiry.

Weird that ABC didn’t want to comment, eh?

But it wasn’t just “Oops! I downloaded the wrong porn!” he was seeking it out and traveled other states to communicate with others to share child porn. He even contacted a minor over Snapchat and pressured her for sexually explicit pictures.

While in or around Rock Hill, South Carolina, he used his phone to engage in messages with two different people, Mr. Meek admitted in the plea deal. The conversations included the exchange of child porn, including at least one infant. According to an earlier filing, Mr. Meek also had similar discussions over Snapchat, and conversed with at least one minor.
Law enforcement officials identified the young girl, who told them Mr. Meek and other men contacted her on Snapchat and pressured her to provide sexually explicit pictures
…Mr. Meek’s computer, an external hard drive, and three other phones were also discovered to contain “multiple depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct,” Mr. Meek acknowledged.
According to an earlier filing: “The defendant knew that his electronic devices contained such depictions, that the individuals depicted were minors, and that at least some of the individuals depicted were prepubescent and minors under the age of 12,” prosecutors said in a statement with which Mr. Meek agreed in entering the guilty plea.
Source: Epoch Times (Emphasis added)

To be fair, it isn’t just ABC News melting down over “Sound of Freedom” it’s pretty much every news agency.

Here’s Saagar Enjeti exposing some of the early Regime Media freak-out, which has only become more shrill as “Sound of Freedom” has been a shock blockbuster hit for the summer.

Is it just a weird coincidence that ABC is downplaying the sexual exploitation of children, right?

Probably not.

Remember, it was ABC that spiked the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking story three years before it hit the mainstream news.

I’m sure that having this guy as Chief Anchor of ABC News had nothing to do with that decision.

I mean, really, why would Bill Clinton’s former senior aide who told Hillary that he “loves her” have anything to do with dumping a story that would be damaging to his ex-boss and close friend?

Surely the guy that is now the face of ABC News as their Chief Anchor has nothing to do with decisions on what is and is not worthy of news coverage, right?

Yeah, color me skeptical.

Remember, everything has bias. Here at Clash, we’re just up-front about it, unlike say, ABC News that will dump a story about a prolific pedophile trafficking minors because it just might ruffle the wrong feathers.

But ABC News isn’t the only one.

Epstein’s client list still hasn’t been published, and the individuals who procured the trafficked minors haven’t been charged.

Why is that, do you think?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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