
Obama’s Waterloo Could be Egypt

Although Obama claims that he supports Egypt and not any political party, we have seen him go to bat for them time after time.  Within the past two weeks, we gave them 1.3 billion dollars and just last year, we gave them 1.5 billion, when Obama overruled congress.  And earlier this year, he gave the brutal government of Morsi’s  year, we gave Morsi 12 F-16s and we were supposed to give him another 8 later in the year.

He also gave them 140,000 tear gas canisters and had agreed to deliver 200 Abrams tanks before the end of the year.  It is not known how many if any of the tanks were delivered.  Fortunately the tanks and the planes should be in the hands of the military.  He still supports Morsi, and why not?  If Morsi is tossed out, he could be next.

Think about it for a moment.  If Morsi goes what might we learn about the Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood?  Or the attack on Benghazi.  Once he is out of office, Morsi isn’t the kind of guy who will elicit much love or loyalty.  There could be many willing to spill the beans on those activities in exchange for their lives.  The other thing is, the Egyptian people blame Obama for Morsi and they would love to embarrass him.  That could explain why he sent in 400 troops.

How would the White House and the DNC explain it?  Sour grapes?  Revenge?  Blackmail?  Many illiterate liberal voters would believe it and those who don’t believe it will pretend they do.  Unless something extreme comes out, such as a secret agreement between Obama and Morsi that is indisputable, Obama could possibly run the clock out or at least get saved by the democratic senate.

We know for a fact that Morsi’s name was used during the Benghazi attack.  And we know the man who trained the Islamists in the attacks is in Egypt.  He could be captured and interrogated.  The new government might actually investigate and reveal exactly what part if any Morsi played in that attack.  Perhaps he and Morsi made an agreement he didn’t take to the Senate.  You really have to stop and wonder what’s going through Obama’s mind at the moment.

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