KNOW this: HUSSEIN Obama ensured that ‘promises made would be promises kept’, that is, re the absolute ‘transformation of America’ – via race wars/the infiltration-penetration of unfettered illegal aliens/economic devastation, and so much more.
STILL yet, atop the aforementioned societal wreckage, lies the fait accompli; the capturing of the hearts and the minds of the kiddies ala the transgenderism movement! Agenda. Wait and see. Similarly, child sex trafficking is a ‘natural’ outgrowth. Explosive!!
NOW, it is imperative to query: Why in the world is this so? In other words, wherein lie said poisonous roots? Yes, they are more than fair questions.
FIRST and foremost, dig into the below exposes’, if you dare.
- WHO Is Barack Hussein Obama? and WHAT Is He Hiding? Reggie Love & His “Down Low” Lifestyle.
- The Continued Adventures of The “Down Low” POTUS & His (Previous) “Body Double”, Reggie Love
INDEED, one of many sticky wickets, in a manner of speaking.
NOT only that, listen up:
IPSO facto, why wouldn’t he endorse/support ‘gay marriage’ and all of its cascading, poisonous permutations thereof?
ALAS, with the above internalized, well, the former POTUS – heretofore to be deemed ‘the devil incarnate’ – ensured that generations of children would become so sexually confused that they wouldn’t know if they are coming or going, gender-wise.
DEMONSTRABLY, as per the below report, it will be evidenced that the above treachery is not only still ongoing, but was alerted to, and warned about, through countless investigative reports by this writer.
WND| December 18, 2024
‘My daughter told the teacher Hell no!!!!! Then proceeded to walk out of the classroom’
Generations back, gays and lesbians were shunned in American society.
That changed when they demanded to be acknowledged and then tolerated.
Then they demanded to be promoted and honored.
Now one California teacher has sparked an enraged student and parent population in the district by demanding that students ARE “gay or lesbian.”
It is NBC San Diego that has profiled the outrage sparked by the scheme of one teacher, a math instructor who reportedly “ordered his students to either come out as gay or lesbian during an activity.”
It’s at Rancho Buena Vista High School in Vista, and students were given the requirement while in an elective seminar class to teach them how to be “socially current.”
The instructions:
“Stand in a circle. Each of you is now gay or lesbian, and you are about to begin your coming out process. You cannot talk for the rest of this activity.”
Seven students promptly walked out and the repercussions continue even now.
Parent James Leon got an image of the classroom orders and posted them online.
- CA Charter School “Transforms” 5-year-old Boy Into Girl For “Show & Tell”: The Undermining Of Judeo-Christian America!
- The “Gay Mafia’s” Continuous Assault On America’s (Western) Kiddies: Capturing Their Bodies, Hearts, & Minds
- The ‘Gay Mafia’ & Its Intersection With PLANNED PARENTHOOD, Academia & Hollywood: What’s Going Down?
- The Billionaire Family Pushing Tranny Perversion
- Sick Sex Image Found In Disney Cartoon Meant For Small Children!
- Transgender Madness: A World Gone Insane. Youth: The Prime Meat. Parents: Beware!
- The Hijacking of Pediatric Medicine +
- ‘Dead Name’ Documentary Exposes Secret Trans Indoctrination Cult Teaching Kids To Want Gender Transition Surgery (Video)
- The Desire to Be God….The Root of All Evil!
- Unearthed emails show Rachel Levine discussing ‘potential revenue’ from child sex-change +