
Not Satire: Climate Scold Greta Thunberg Listed As One Of CNN’s ‘Experts’ For Coronavirus Townhall

CNN and Greta Thunberg are trying to recapture her 15 minutes of fame.

Think about it–Greta’s gotta get her name out there somehow. Now that kids are learning from home, hardly anyone is traveling, the global economy is pretty much shut down, and we’re practically living in her new green utopia dystopia, those weekly “Climate Strikes” by school children are now pretty much irrelevant. Even though global CO2 emissions are going to set a record percentage decile this year because of the lockdowns, the left says that it’s just “not enough.”

Yes, it’s time to trot out the scolding, crying teenager who skips school because she “believes the science” that is proven by scientific models. We’ve all seen how accurate models have been during this pandemic, right? A computer model is a snapshot of what is currently happening and extrapolated out over time. It doesn’t take into consideration new data until that data is added to the model. Computer models are also ignorant of the data that is left out, for example, the decision by the Governor of New York to allow COVID-positive patients and staff to work in nursing homes that has caused thousands to die needlessly.

I could mention here that Thunberg’s mother admitted that in her short life, Greta has suffered from a variety of mental health issues including depression, selective mutism, and an eating disorder. When she was just 11 years old, Greta was so depressed about water pollution after seeing a documentary in school that she refused to eat. Greta’s mother says that the teen is on the Autism spectrum, with what she describes as Asperger’s, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. But that would be attacking her, apparently.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Nevertheless, they persisted and added Greta to their CNN Coronavirus Fear Porn Extravaganza Facts And Fears Townhall on Thursday evening.

So, why would Greta be considered an “expert” on the coronavirus?

Because she thinks that she may have contracted it in March and decided to self-isolate just in case. She wasn’t tested, but she’s pretty confident that she had it.

“Many (especially young people) might not notice any symptoms at all, or very mild symptoms,” she said on Instagram, where she has 10 million followers. “Then they don’t know they have the virus and can pass it on to people in risk groups.”

“We who don’t belong to a risk group have an enormous responsibility, our actions can be the difference between life and death for many others,” she said.

Ms. Thunberg spoke to European Union lawmakers at a meeting in Brussels in early March. In an effort to protect her mother and her sister at home in Stockholm, Ms. Thunberg said she and her father, who accompanies her on her travels, had isolated themselves in a separate apartment.

She said she had felt “tired, had shivers, a sore throat and coughed.” Her father, she said, felt far worse and had a fever. Sweden offers Covid-19 tests only to those who need urgent medical care, she wrote, which meant that she was not tested.

So…yeah, that seems “sciencey.” She figures she might have the coronavirus because she had symptoms consistent with the flu during flu season. To be fair to Greta, the symptoms of COVID-19 are almost identical to the flu.

But it is still quite a jump to presume that she’s now an “expert” on virology because she may have been exposed to the coronavirus. By this very reasoning, a better “expert” guest would be Senator Rand Paul(R-KY) who is a doctor who is confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus and, despite being a high-risk patient due to his violent a-hole neighbor, recovered from it.

Yes, I’m sure that CNN will get right on that…

While we wait for hell to freeze over before CNN brings on Senator Paul as an “expert” on the coronavirus, let’s take a look at the reaction on Twitter.

The responses to CNN’s announcement were absolutely outstanding.





CNN is an absolute joke.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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