
No more ‘Mr. Nice Guy,’ says Op-Ed defending Donald Trump

A California rabbi and attorney has come to a strong defense of Donald Trump in an essay where he contends it is time to hate the Left.

UPDATED 5/14 @ 4:30 a.m. PDT — Writing in the American Spectator, a California rabbi and attorney has made a remarkable case for taking a serious dislike for the Left, including the media, in a jaw-dropping essay headlined “A Time to Hate.”

Rabbi Dov Fischer, described as “a high-stakes litigation attorney…and an adjunct professor of law,” used more than 2,900 words to say succinctly what so many social media political gadflies spend hours in front of computer screens to complain about.

“I hate that Donald Trump never was given a chance to be president of the United States for even one day’s honeymoon,” Fischer writes. “I hate that, long before he won the presidency — fair and square — corrupt crooks and criminals in the United States Department of Justice, its Federal Bureau of Investigation, were actively plotting to take him down. I hate that there are so few outlets in the media that give voice to condemn the criminality and corruption that broke every accepted societal norm by which we play the game. I hate that Obama was in on it, yet continues to pontificate on what is just and on what threatens freedom.

I hate that they all keep getting away with it,” he said, adding the italics for emphasis. “Every single one of them gets away with it…

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Fox News is reporting that “Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has released a list of names of Obama administration officials who purportedly requested to ‘unmask’ the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period.”

HOWEVER: Thursday morning Fox & Friends hosts were stressing that making inquiries about unmasking is not illegal. Leaking the information to the media, as apparently happened, would be the violation.

This raises a pertinent question. Could this be much ado about nothing?

The New York Post late Wednesday evening published an explanation about “unmasking” that details the process aimed at protecting the privacy of citizens.

“To protect their right to privacy,” the newspaper explains, “intelligence agents will ‘mask’ the information, and refer to the citizen by an alias like “U.S. Person One” when they report or transcribe the correspondence.”

Several paragraphs later, the New York Post story explains, “The Trump administration and some Republicans have accused the Obama administration of acting inappropriately in requesting the information.

“However,” the story adds, “Grenell’s memo, which was released by Republican senators, notes that the ‘unmasking’ was approved through the NSA’s ‘standard process.’”

The list of names revealed that inquiries were made by then-Vice President Joe Biden, James Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper, plus “(Barack) Obama’s then-chief of staff,” the story details.

And the Daily Caller is reporting, “Grenell also recently pressured House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to release 53 transcripts of interviews that the committee conducted as part of its own Russia probe. The transcripts showed that Obama officials such as James Clapper, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes had not seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia by the time they left office.”

If this is the kind of news for which Fischer has been waiting, maybe whatever justice he appears to have been looking for is about to be dished out. Then again, if the inquiries were legitimate, as the Biden campaign has argued in response, the flap could be something of a non-starter.

Wednesday evening, Biden spokesman Andrew Bates was quoted by Fox News stating, “These documents have absolutely nothing to do with any FBI investigation and they confirm that all normal procedures were followed — any suggestion otherwise is a flat-out lie.”

Grenell’s name has been showing up lately in the press. A few days ago, the New York Post reported that “Grenell forced Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff’s hand. If the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee didn’t release the transcripts of 53 interviews from the committee’s Russia collusion investigations, then he’d do it himself. The transcripts, many of them from nearly three years ago, were declassified and ready for public viewing since June.”

Still, Rabbi Fischer has taken a position that should get plenty of attention, regardless where the cards fall in what appears to be the dismantling of the “Russia probe” crusade. Congressman Schiff could have some explaining to do, and living in denial is not going to satisfy Donald Trump’s defenders.

Maybe Fischer sums up his anger—perhaps bitterness—when he says what so many others are apparently thinking.

“There is something so evil in a society that tolerates a dual standard of justice, dual standards of everything,” he writes. “On the one hand, we political conservatives harbor profoundly deep feelings, but we do not destroy people’s lives based on abstract politics. Yes, we oppose them and expose them, and we hope that contemporary society and history judge them for the evil they represent. But we do not destroy them in their lives. They get away with everything…”

Perhaps what is really remarkable is that the American Spectator published Fischer’s piece. Whether one agrees or disagrees with his arguments, the fact that they are now “out there” for public consumption is what puts this country ahead of all the others.


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