NJ school removes Abraham Lincoln art ‘to avoid potentially offending anyone’
The left’s jihad against American history — and America herself — continues. On Sunday, The American Mirror reported that New Jersey’s Camden County High School removed a piece of student-created art that portrayed Abraham Lincoln and Confederate President Jefferson David to avoid potential offense — even though no one complained about the artwork.
According to Kyle Olson the artwork was “created collaboratively between students at two schools was removed by administrators because it also included the likeness of Confederate President Jefferson Davis.”
“In light of the recent controversy in Charlottesville and throughout the country, we have recently removed the painting from the wall outside the media center,” Camden County High School Principal Billie Berry said.
The Daily Advance added:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The controversy turned violent — and deadly — in Charlottesville, Va., when a woman was killed as a man with ties to white supremacist groups drove a truck into a crowd of counter-protestors opposing the gathering of white supremacists in the city. The white supremacist groups rallied in Charlottesville in opposition to the city’s removal of a statue honoring Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
Berry said the school had not received any complaints about the picture being displayed on the wall.
“While we have received no concerns or complaints about the artwork, we felt that it was best to be proactive and remove the painting to avoid potentially offending anyone,” Berry said.
And while the removal came amid the controversy over monuments to the Confederacy, Berry insisted the picture at the high school “was in no way designed to promote the confederacy” but rather was “simply a historical representation of the President of the United States and the Confederacy during the Civil War.”
“The picture was created several years ago as a joint project between Camden County High School art students and students from a high school in Pittsburgh, (Pennsylvania),” Berry said, according to the report.
“The students communicated daily with one another using Skype while working on the project,” the principal said. “Upon completion, our students mailed half of the painted squares to Pittsburgh and the students in Pittsburgh mailed half of the digital squares to Camden. Each school then pieced together the squares and the art work was displayed in both schools,” he added.
But as we’ve learned recently, history is not to be tolerated — only the feelings of liberal snowflakes who might get triggered at the mere presence of a white historical figure.
If we’re going that far, we might as well get rid of all five dollar bills, since Lincoln’s picture is prominently displayed on each and every single one. And what about Mount Rushmore? Do we go full ISIS and destroy that as well?
Where does the madness end? Simple — it doesn’t, until someone stands up and says “no.”
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