New York Daily News calls Donald Trump the ‘Anti-Christ’
It seems the New York Daily News really doesn’t like Donald Trump, and has declared the billionaire media mogul to be the biblical “Anti-Christ,” using a quote from Pope Francis, who, as TK Whiteman observed yesterday, ignored Obama’s infanticide.
Bradd Jaffy, the senior news editor and writer for NBC News, tweeted:
!!! Tomorrow's @NYDailyNews
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) February 19, 2016
One person observed:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Good point.
@BraddJaffy @KatyTurNBC @NYDailyNews this is horrible
— Listy McLaisterton (@JH142Qn033KL5Hw) February 19, 2016
Yes, it is. Whether one supports Trump or not, this goes way beyond media bias.
@BraddJaffy @NYDailyNews @carlquintanilla Where was the Pope on 9-11? Obviously not in NYC.
— Nick Pappas (@RedBlurr) February 19, 2016
Good question.
.@BraddJaffy what's next? 'Trump Gave Birth To A 3-Headed Alien Baby!' ???? #tabloid -> @NYDailyNews
— Juanita Estrada (@Juanita_Estrada) February 19, 2016
Don’t give them any ideas.
The criticism was also heavy at the paper’s Facebook page.
“Dear Daily News, You should be ashamed of yourselves for putting a picture of Trump on cover and calling him the anti Christ. Seems a bit hypocritical of the Pope to say it’s not Christian to build walls when the Vatican is surrounded by walls, don’t ya think? I used to think just the Post was gossip garbage but now I see where u guys stand. Guess there’s nothing else to write about. Thanks for nothing,” one person wrote, identifying himself as a “Trump supporter.”
“That’s a funny statement coming from the pope being he lives behind a huge wall,” another person said. “How many refugees or illegals has he taken in? Why doesn’t the Vatican set an example and knock down their walls?”
“I am not interested in Trump’s religious leanings. I want him to demonstrate why he thinks that he is the best person to run this country. And the only thing that runs continuously on him is his mouth, pretty much non-stop,” another person added.
Trump currently leads in most polls, although a few have Cruz pulling ahead, and one poll says Cruz would beat Trump if the race were between those two candidates alone. Stunts like this only serve to motivate those who support Trump, and actually help his standing in the polls.
They also show why so many no longer trust what we now call the “Democrat-media complex.”
Exit question: Will Trump threaten to sue the NYDN for calling him the evil global dictator spoken of in the Bible?
- Poll says Cruz beats Trump in head-to-head race; Do you agree?
- Francis slams Trump’s Christianity, ignores Obama’s infanticide
- Internal Bush poll shows Ted Cruz just two points below Trump, surging
- Yes, Virginia, there is a Democrat-media complex
- Poll: About one in four think Obama may be the anti-Christ
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