New poll results and Hillary is not going to like the numbers
New poll results from the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post-ABC News surveys is not good news for Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton.
According to the Washington Post-ABC News poll, 56 percent of Americans have an unfavorable impression of the former First Lady and Secretary of State. According to the WaPo, “That’s the worst image Clinton has had in her quarter-century in national public life.
“Her previous low favorable rating this year was in July,” the newspaper noted, “when it was 42 percent, lower than any mark in historical Post-ABC polls except a few points in the 1990s when a large share of the public had no opinion of her. Her previous high for unfavorable views was in June, when 55 percent disliked Clinton.”
Wednesday morning, the daily Los Angeles Times poll on Clinton v. Trump shows GOP nominee Donald Trump leading Clinton 45.3 to 41.9 percent.
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Other surveys, or course, seem to be all over the map, typically with Clinton ahead of Trump, but with the race closing fast.
On top of that, Rasmussen Reports has something of an unnerving Wednesday commentary that suggests there may be a strong “silent” block of Trump supporters out there who aren’t telling anyone how they will vote for fear of alienation. According to Rasmussen, 17 percent of likely Republican voters “are less likely this year to let others know how they intend to vote compared to previous presidential campaigns. Just 10% of Likely Democratic Voters say they are less likely to tell.
“Among voters not affiliated with either major party,” Rasmussen added, “25% say they are less likely this year to say publicly which presidential candidate they will vote. Unaffiliateds have leaned in Trump’s direction in recent weeks in our White House Watch survey but also have been the biggest supporters of Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.”
The Rasmussen survey was taken just days before the latest scandal erupted between Clinton chief advisor Huma Abedin and her husband, disgraced former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner. The couple separated earlier this week.
Also, Trump may get a bounce in his numbers now that he is heading to Mexico at the invitation of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. Clinton has also received an invitation, but Trump beat her to the punch.
Trump is scheduled to make a major speech today in Arizona on immigration.
The Republican nominee was in Everett, Washington Tuesday where he promised to “protect and save our beautiful Second Amendment.” He appeared before a raucous crowd of several thousand supporters.
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