NAACP says wearing Obama mask a hate crime

The NAACP now claims that it’s a hate crime if you wear a mask of Dear Leader if you’re going to make fun of him.
Because he’s, like, you know, The One. Seriously.
From Examiner:
According to Mary Ratliff, president of the Missouri chapter of the NAACP, Tuffy Gessling, the rodeo clown who donned an Obama mask before being chased by bulls, committed a hate crime, The Blaze reported Friday.
“I think that a hate crime has occurred,” she said during an interview on KXNT Radio in Las Vegas. “I think a hate crime occurs when you use a person’s race to depict who they are and to make degrading comments, gestures, et cetera, against them.”
“We are taxpayers in the state of Missouri,” Ratliff added, “and when taxpayer money is utilized to discredit and be disrespectful to our president, whether he be black, white, Hispanic, Latina…it is an outrage.”
But Ratliff is a bit off on what makes a hate crime. That doesn’t matter, though. Just like it doesn’t matter that Obama HIMSELF once wore an Obama mask on SNL. Guess that’s a hate crime, too, isn’t it?
Maybe we should apply the Missouri State Fair rule and ban him from the White House and force everyone who works there to undergo sensitivity training — given by this guy:
More proof that Michael Savage was right when he said liberalism is a mental disorder.
More here.
- NAACP: Rodeo clown committed ‘hate crime’ by wearing Obama mask
- Flashback: Obama wore Obama mask in 2007 SNL skit, NAACP silent
- St. Louis treasurer: Disagreement with Obama is racist
- Thousands join Facebook page supporting rodeo clown Tuffy Gessling
- NAACP demands DOJ, Secret Service investigate rodeo clown incident
- Mo. State Fair bans clown for wearing Obama mask, mandates ‘sensitivty training’
- Liberals, politicians explode over rodeo clown in Obama mask chased by bulls (Video)
- Video shows child praying to Barack Obama (Video)
- The case against re-electing Barack Hussein Obama, part 3
- Newsweek cover calls Obama’s inauguration ‘The second coming’
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