
MSNBC’s Krystal Ball tells Hillary ‘Don’t run in 2016’

Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton may be the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in 2016, with a commanding 6-to-1 lead over fellow Democrats, but not all liberals are lining up behind her. Take MSNBC’s Krystal Ball … please!  In a segment on Tuesday, the amusingly named Ball, speaking gal-to-gal to Clinton, advised, “Don’t run, Hillary. Don’t run.”

It’s not that Clinton doesn’t have Ball’s undying admiration. Ball tells her audience that Hill was a great Secretary of State and a swell U.S. Senator.

[Video of Ball’s complete remarks here]

The problem, as Ball sees it, is that the nation is in an “existential crisis” and needs a candidate who is more in the pocket of Big Labor and less a friend of Wall Street — some like freshman Senator Elizabeth Warren (who is also, n.b., 1/32 American Indian!). Warren, in her view, is one of a select few politicians who feel “in their bones the plight of the worker.” Kind of like Barack Obama in drag.

In a time when corporations have hijacked our politics, is someone who sat on the rabidly anti-union board of Walmart the right person to restore workers’ rights?

In a time when we’re still reeling from global financial disaster brought on by foolhardy bank deregulation, is someone who took $400,000 to give two speeches at Goldman Sachs the person we need to wrest control of the asylum back from the banking inmates?

As Mediaite’s Noah Rothman points out, Ball also takes a swipe at Hill’s hubby, who signed much of the banking deregulation into law.

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