MSNBC’s Joy Reid Goes on Anti-White Rant, Compares Trump to Osama Bin Laden, Supporters to Al Qaeda (Video)

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid went on a crazed rant suggesting cops only protect white people, claiming they purposely allowed the attack on the Capitol, and equating President Trump to Osama Bin Laden and his supporters to Al Qaeda terrorists.
REID: “The reason they could easily and casually, with their cameras on, film themselves throwing things through the walls of our Capitol, our property, going inside the Capitol, sitting in Speaker Pelosi’s office, casually, take pictures of themselves, have that played on Fox News, they know that they are not in jeopardy because the cops are taking selfies with them, walking them down the steps to make sure they’re not hurt, taking care with their bodies, not like they treated Freddie Gray’s body.
“White Americans aren’t afraid of the cops. White Americans are never afraid of the cops, even when they are committing insurrection. Even when they’re engaged in attempting to occupy our Capitol to steal the votes of people who look like me because, in their minds, they own this country, they own that Capitol.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
“They own the cops. The cops work for them and people like me have no damn right to try to elect a President because we don’t get to pick the President. They get to pick the President. They own the President. They own the White House. They own this country. And so when you think you own it, you own the place, you ain’t afraid of the police because the police are you and the police reflect back to them. ‘We’re with you. You’re good. We’re not going to hurt you because you’re not them.’
“Guarantee you, if that was a Black Lives Matter protest in D.C, there would already be people shackled, arrested, or dead. Shackled, arrested en masse, or dead. Get Brittany Packett Cunningham on here, she’ll tell you how they treated her in Ferguson. Put Alicia Garza on here. She’ll tell you how they treated her at every Black Lives Matter March. Get Patrice Cullers on.
“They’ll tell you. They’ll tell you what it feels like to protest peacefully and unarmed and how the police will treat you if you’re black. That’s it. They’re not afraid of the cops ’cause they know the cops are cool with it. (…) You talked about Al Qaeda. What has he done in terms of incitement, right, that Osama bin Laden didn’t do? He simply told people the way to win a war against America is that you need to be able to sacrifice your body. These people are saying, ‘I’m willing to die for Trump.’”
Cross-posted with Mental Recession
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