
MSNBC Propagandist Chris Matthews Demeans Flyover Country As Mentally-Unsound ‘Rural Cultists’

While appearing on Wednesday’s edition of Morning Joe, former MSNBC propagandist Chris Matthews demeaned millions of Americans as “cultists,” proving yet again that MSNBC is the official network of insane bloodthirsty liberal rage, hate, and stupid lying liberal propaganda.

According to Mediaite:

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said Wednesday that anyone who wants to have civil rights in the future must to get out the vote to counter “rural people” whom he described as mentally unsound cultists.

On Wednesday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC, host Joe Scarborough first attacked rural voters when prompting Claire McCaskill on the subject of the Iowa caucuses, saying anyone who doesn’t want to vote for Donald Trump will be intimidated into not casting a ballot.

McCaskill agreed, saying that in rural areas, “if you are not on Donald Trump’s bandwagon, if you’re not a member of the cult, then you just stay quiet.”

Mediaite noted that everyone on Scarborough’s hour of hate agreed, attacking all voters who don’t follow their Marxist ideology as mentally unsound, stupid cultists:

BRZEZINSKI: Iowa is days away. New Hampshire is coming up. And Donald Trump, given this conversation, even, is the clear frontrunner.

MATTHEWS: You know, I think President Biden gave a good speech on Friday. I think he began the conversation about the Constitution and democracy. But I think he has to turn the corner and go to the next step. The reason we love our democracy. The reason we all love it is, if we don’t like the government and they’re doing something, we can do something about it. The 18th amendment was founded, was followed by the 21st amendment. You can drink beer if you want to. It was corrected.

If women want the right to the bodily, their own protection of their own body. They want to have — so they go and vote in Ohio and they just say, we’re going to win this one. And you can do this. But the voter does have a role to play. The court system will put the bad guys in jail, the ones who were lied to by the president, former president, in jail. They’re doing all that, right? They’re going to plead guilty, they’re going to go away. But in the end, the voters have to vote for their rights. You got to vote for civil rights.

You know, when I was growing up in Philadelphia, there were the Black, a majority of Black, majority now, they voted, they were highly registered voter. They were more registered than the White people. You know why? Because they had Frank Rizzo as mayor. You had a law and order guy, and they said, this is the only way we can defend ourselves. You had, you had black lives, this is an early case of that. You have to defend yourself. You have to vote to protect your rights in the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights was put there by Jefferson and Madison because people said the Constitution and democracy is not enough. We have to write in here our Bill of rights.

And I have to, and voters have to get out there and say, damn it, if I’m a young person, if I’m a Black person, if I’m out in the streets and I don’t trust the cops, I got to vote that way. And if I have a woman, I want to protect myself in my own decisions. I’ve got to vote that way.

I think voters have got to take their hand in this election and don’t wait for the government to do it. Because, you know this election is going to be close. And it’s going to be very close in places like Pennsylvania, and you’re gonna have rural people out there voting their craziness about the cult.

So you better be there to match them and you got to be there. Vote against that. And I’m telling you, this is really important that you vote for your rights.

BRZEZINSKI: I know it is. And for women especially, we’ve already lost many rights.

Apparently, at least according to the Marxist hatemongers at MSNBC.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?


“When they tell you what they think of you, believe them,” Twitchy correctly observed.  Remember, this is the same Chris Matthews who thinks Trump supporters are “dogs.”  Seriously.

This, America, is the modern left.  They hate your guts, and they’re not shy about it.  If they had their way, this would become commonplace across America:


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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